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Taking you guys back to my punk RAWK roots!

The Refused, New Noise


these guys were the first show I went to without my mom (first show ever was Aerosmith and Brother Cain, mom took me to that one) Shutdown, Ensign, and Fastbreak were also at that show, though they were nobody at the time...

Snapcase, Caboose

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woh, how did I miss this thread?


have to say that Buddy Rich is awesome, I was just listening to him a few days ago...great music to draft to.


Has anyone mentioned Broken Social Scene yet? Awesome band, fantastic live...this song really doesnt do them justice, but here it is:



How about this classic video from Radiohead:



Sorry to tell everyone, but true punk died in the late 80s.




and yes Medeski Martin and Wood also rock!


how about some Thom Yorke solo stuff- The Erase, Black Swan:



For a trip back to my youth, The Specials!




I couldnt find my favorite Ska band, Mephaskaphilies anywhere....what ever happend to those guys....sigh.


Wish I could find some good Dead Milkmen stuff.

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Did somebody say the Dead Milkmen?




Nice specials song, Sparky! I wanted to find the new Specials version of Pressure Drop, but i didn't see it anywhere...by the way, is this punk enough for ya?




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I wanted Bitchin' Camaro, but had to settle for Punk Rock Girl...there was a cheesy homemade video of BC, but it wasn't even the whole song...



I agree, they don't make punk like that anymore, but the newer stuff is good. It's funny to see who went on to do what...Ian McKay (minor threat) went on to Fugazi:


Henry Rollins (black flag) went on to Rollins Band...



After Milo (from the descendents) went to college, they did some stuff as "All", but I wasn't that into it...then he came back and they did some other stuff. 7 seconds never really went away, and between them, Minor Threat, and Youth of Today, we ended up Straight Edge music. Then Ray of Today from Youth of Today (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxk-KIdmenA)started Shelter, a rockin Hare Krishna band that doesn't have any good videos on Youtube...(this is the most professional one I could find...Sabatoge, anyone?)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qY7gBIFO_hk&mode=related&search=

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lol, Gorilla Biscuits, Awesome! Its been years since I heard anything from them. I remember having a bunch of terrible quality cassette tapes of their stuff recorded from my friends vinyl collection. I had no idea what sound quality was then...I just thought thats how it was supposed to sound...LOUD!

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When I was in a band in high school, we noticed that a disproportionate number of punk bands had what we called "theme songs", that is: songs that were named after the band. We wanted to do a cover set of all of them, I thought it would be great! Minor Threat had one, Gorilla biscuits ("Gee Oh Are Eye double A biscuits!!!), Youth of Today, I think Bad Brains had one if I remember correctly...it was going to be so dope...Hmmm...Bad Brains, you say? Don't mind if I do...


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Hey that last link is live from Emos in Austin. Man that place is nuts, half of it burned down a long time ago and they just left the burned out shell there....you can see it to the left in that video. I've seen TONS of bands there over the years, De La Soul, The Roots, Deathcab, centromatic and my personal favorite show...


Le Tigre-




I think we've dipped into the realm of obscurity and alienated ourselves.

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Covers? How about these?

Tool covering Led Zeppelin (Maynard needs dancing lessons, huh?) Sound is not the best here, but this is probably my favorite cover. Anyone have any Tool covering Kyuss??? That's like my holy grail... still haven't found it though:


Foo Fighters covering Prince (lyrics are NOT work safe):



I couldn't find a video for any of Les Claypool's covers of Pink Floyd's Animals or Wish You Were Here, but those are pretty kick ass covers too.

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Here's one of my favorite covers:




The one I'm really trying to find is Face to Face's cover of Paint it Black. I used to have a cassette of it that was recorded off of a 45, but it got "borrowed" by a girl I used to hang out with, along with the rest of my cassettes...

Maybe I should call in...the CD Repo Man!


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