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Pinks Host Owns Himself on a Sportbike


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Rich, would you agree on that on that run the bike out performed you? :D


I know that this particular post was many days ago, but no kidding, still this morning I was tooling down the road towards work and thought of this quote. Still giggling about. Dont know why, just funny to me. I am supprised that he didnt try to negotiate another round from the bike.

like "Ok, ok this time me leathers helmet, gloves, and I'll give you 20 more MPH".

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I fell off a couple of months ago with no gear on. Ended up in the hospital getting stiches and a lot of X-rays. Had someone pull out in front of me. Wasn't trying to show off, was just not paying enough attention. I've been riding for about ten years and have raced streetbikes with the local am. leagues. We all make mistakes, we all make bad decisions. Most of us are just smart enough to make them when we're not anywhere near an audience or a national televised television show's crew.


As for where he came from, as I understand it he used to be a competing, although not competitive, body builder. He somehow got into TV and pitch SEVERAL reality TV ideas for a couple of YEARS. Speed liked this one and picked it up. Yeah, he's a jackass, yeah, they should use a Christmas Tree, and yeah, it sure musta sucked to fall off in front of everyone.


Less than two weeks ago a 19 year old kid died in a motorcycle accident here in Sacramento. He ran a stop sign and T-boned a minivan. The impact was so hard that the van almost tipped over. His helmet split and his heart exploded on impact. He was riding a CBR1000RR. It was a former race bike, with no lights, signals, or mirrors. He'd had his license for a total of FOUR days. At the MSF class everyone told him not to buy it, to start smaller, but he wouldn't listen. You can find more info about him and the situation at http://www.bayarearidersforum.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=181215


Sorry to go on and hijack the thread. I guess my point is you don't have to be showoff, you just have to not use your head.

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