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Thinking of selling the V8 240Z...

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DOC... You are the exception. If you really do keep your word... you can restore some of my faith in our society. I just don't have those experiences... not in 45 years.

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DOC... You are the exception. If you really do keep your word... you can restore some of my faith in our society. I just don't have those experiences... not in 45 years.


An old shooting buddy in Wyo. was kind of poor. He had a 15 year old kid that wanted to rope and he had crap for a horse and no saddle, but he wanted to try. Kurt Jackson was his name, big Kansas boy, haven't heard from him in years, he worked for me for awhile. Anyway, he sold me his prize .222 remington so he could buy his boy a saddle for christmas. I gave him $500 which was more than the rem 788 and scope was worth back then. I put it in the closet and never shot it. About a year later he asked if he could buy it back. That was the "deal" so I sold it back to him. My first wife was "pissed" cause I didn't make any money on the deal. She's gone and I'm sure if I could find him in Montana, it'd be just like old times.


Same with my painting buddy Peter Chavez, he comes and pawns his paint tools so he can get drunk. But when he needs them he always comes up with the $$$$ to get them back. Too funny!


Then there is Brian, we trade back and forth, let him have my Dana 60 front end for basically nothing and then he gets me into mud racing, besides fixing all my diesel stuff. Heck of a guy.


Nope, one of these days the world will "wake up" and realize that people are what make up the world, not "money". I'm in it for the people, I don't know about the rest of the world though.

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I guess I can sell of all my crap in storage...


That's what I did/am doing. So far I have about $700 to the good (minus the 45/month storeage fees for 2 years yuck yuck, we won't mention that). When is the baby due???


280zone made these, Marcus sold his hood and is waiting patiently on a CF replacement.




My hybridZ



The Scarab sorry had to share.


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I agree, I don't really care about the money either, but it does seem like an overwhelming majority of people do. I sold a '71 skylark for $300 to a guy who needed a car bad even though I paid $500 for it and had to fix it up to make it streetable (I put 4 new tires on it and a NOS GM fender I had laying around), and when he got rear-ended and got the $700 settlement he didn't even let me take the NOS GM front fender back off it because "the scrapyard would give him less money", I tried to take it off anyway until he threatened to call the cops, so the BRAND NEW fender got crushed. If anything is that's definitely one of my pet peeves. I've met so many people like that (at least I also meet some jewels that are generous so I continue to have hope for the world) and it just pisses me off so much. You know the type, the people that would rather see something get thrown away for nothing than see it help someone else. Dispicable.

It recently happened again out here in Cali, a guy was junking his car when he got out of the navy, freakin junking it, and I offered to buy it from him (a 95 buick century with 40,000 miles and needed a cam and lifters) and you could hear the cash register ca-ching in his head. So, he junked it for $100 because I wouldn't give him $500 for it. Once again the old "I'll help you out but it's gonna cost you" or "if i can't have it nobody will" mentality. I hate that crap.

Most people, though, are generous, and kind, otherwise we wouldn't have survived the 20th century.

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DOC... You must live in a very small town where the mentality is very different from big city folks. That's a good thing:) I think our society is in a downward spiral from which it will never recover. The bottom of this toilet flush is the "money IS everything" lifestyle. It makes me sad:icon56:


...one of these days the world will "wake up" and realize that people are what make up the world, not "money". I'm in it for the people, I don't know about the rest of the world though.
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This I can promise...

You will in 10 years regret that you did not do everything you could to keep your car.

You will fall back in love with another hoping to bring back those great years you had with your car. Once gone its gone forever. Its not the money its the sweat and pride that you can't get back.




This is so true. I used to have a 240Z many years ago but lack of funds forced me to sell it. It took me 20 years to get another one. Over the years I kept dreaming of my old car wishing I could get another one. Well my 40th Bday rolled around a few years ago and I decided that I was going to find another one. It took me a year and a half to find my current Z. Another 2 years to get it to where it is today. But it was all worth it. I am finally living the dream and that is a great place to be.

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If not having a place to store it will be a temporary thing, sell it to someone for cheap with paperwork saying you can buy it back for ~5% more than what you sold it for anytime in the next xx months. Basically a loan with your car as collateral. If your price is pretty cheap, it shouldn't be too hard to find someone that's up for that.



I recently did this for a friend too. Last spring I got a great deal ($1000) on a nice survivor Datsun 510. A friend of mine used to have a really nice 510 but he was forced to sell it due to a nasty divorce. I know how much he had loved that car so I decided to sell the newly found 510 so he could have one again. I sold it to him at cost even though it was worth at least $1500 more than the price I paid for it. I told him that if he got tight for money and he needed to sell it, that he would have to sell it back to me any time in the 1st year.



He did a bit of work to it and around Christmas, he called saying he needed money and would I buy it back. I told him yes. I paid him $1700 for it which I figured was giving him half of the profit I would have made if I had sold it. He asked for a chance to buy it back. I told him sure. I said he could buy it back for the same money any time in the next 6 months. Well six months past and he never asked to buy it back. During that time he took 2 vacations and bought himself a bunch of cool toys. I had mentioned to him several times when do you want to buy it back, But he always said, I don't have the money. I even had him do some work on my cars for me and when I offered to pay him he put the cash in his pocket instead of handing it back to me and asking me to apply it to the car. When he finally asked to buy it in September, I told him no. I had decide to keep it. He asked me why and I told him that he was taking advantage of my good nature. I recapped to him how he had money to do all the stuff he wanted to do but not buy the car back. He looked at me and said. You are right. he said I guess I really didn't want it enough. He does have an M3 and an old Mini Cooper so I guess he has enough toys.

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Poundz9oh9... As much as I respect and appreciate our soldiers, I've worked for the military for seventeen years and I know they get paid okay (some VERY okay). All this poor underpaid and broke soldier stuff... puh-leeezz:rolleyes: If anyone is curious, do a little research. Some of you will be shocked:shock:

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It's all relative... I worked in the government for a decade and I lived paycheck to paycheck in one of the most expensive cities in the country (washington DC). Sometimes living paycheck to paycheck is a reality. Sometimes it's just bad money management... I can say that I wasn't real responsible with my pay, but couldn't imagine raising a family on that same pay...



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I completely agree with Mike,

Don't get me wrong, it's my fault that my financial obligations are so close to my income and I only complain because I CAN make a lot more on the outside with my experience and education. They just have me by my huevo's and I can't get out right now.

Enough about that, sorry to stray from the threads topic. It'll never happen again......;)

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