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Just want your oppinion on something e-bay related.


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Hi guys, last week or the one before that, I'm not sure, I bought a 200sx trough e-bay, I had posted it in "look what I got from e-bay for 504.99$"


I was supposed to go down to new jersey to go get the car this week end,

reserved a trailer, called customs to ,let them know I'd be crossing a car across the boarder, had all the paperwork organized and now I get an e-mail from the guy and he decided not to sell the car cause his dad is coming back from his country and he need's a car, is there anything I can or should do about this, does he have the wright to do this, I mean when I bid, it's like a contract and if I win, I MUST buy the item so, should'nt it be the same for the seller?

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Try contacting ebay through the live help link on the main page. If you want you can probably sue him for the money spent on the trailer and stuff to go get it. Anyway use the live help, they should be able to walk you through it. Good luck, it sounds like the guy just didnt like the price the car sold for and doesn't want to seel it for that cheap.

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Go see a shrink and tell him you're stressed beyond belief from the situation and get a prescription for some good drugs (you don't have to get it filled). Then call an attorney and tell him this eBay jacka$$ caused you all this expense and stress. Show him the proof (your diagnosis). Have your attorney sue the SOB.


Better yet... just tell him to follow through or else!!

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There really isn't jack that can be done to those pudd's that renigg on a sell....


The worst thing I think is a non delivery strike you can file against him.


Start here then see if there is other links you can find that will help you>> http://pages.ebay.com/help/tp/inr-snad-process.html




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Ebay will only protect the seller when it comes down to getting money back (like your trailer fee, paperwork etc). If you took it to small claims court, it would be a open and shut case johnson...lol... But i doubt you want to go through all that hassle, seeing as it takes like 4 months to get a court date for small claims, atleast around here. Just tell him to either refund your expenses, or your coming to pick up the car this weekend. If he says he's keeping the car, tell him you have the court papers ready and will notify him of the court date (he should re-think it after that). Ebay is a legal binding contract in the eyes of court systems, so you have full rights to the car if you have the money ready to give to him.

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You can tell him your coming to get it bla bla bla and if he still refuces to give it up go through small claims sure it takes a while but when YOU WIN he picks up the legal fees and such and you get your money back good way to stick it to him Ive done it its not that hard. they even help ya get the ball rolling.

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You can tell him your coming to get it bla bla bla and if he still refuces to give it up go through small claims sure it takes a while but when YOU WIN he picks up the legal fees and such and you get your money back good way to stick it to him Ive done it its not that hard. they even help ya get the ball rolling.


Basiclly thats the right way fo doing it, the only thing you should do first is contact e-bay before hand so they know whats going on.


I ran in into the same problem just tought i share it since its the same thing that happend to you. Long story short, found a pair of Bride Brix seats brand new from a guy with 0 feedback bid on it out bidded a few people the final sale price $620 + $100 for shipping. Get a e-mail from the guys saying that seats were sold sorry. Left him a negative feedback and still mad about those seats.


Get in touch with e-bay ASAP!!!:twisted:

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