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Anyone been to a WRC event? looking for tips...


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when I move to Italy this January I'm looking at doing a few extra curricular motorsports activities while I'm there. One of those is a WRC event.


I'm looking at attending the one in Italy, or Spain (ultimately I would love to see the Swedish rally but thats a bit of a stretch.) but cannot decide...not like I really need to as both would be great. I was going to go to the Mexico event last year so I could get a taste of it but missed it due to some major projects coming up...


So what I'm wondering is, If anyone out there has been to an event could you give me a few tips and tricks to maximize my enjoyment potential?


The other event is more than likely going to be a F1 event, I was going to go to San Marino but seeing as how their not sure if it will be run next year (last I heard) I might need to come up with an alternative event. I caught the F1 race in Barcelona last May and would go again but I would like to see a different track. I cannot wait to see another race as I must say it was an incredible experience, there are no words I could use to describe just how awesome those cars sound as they fly by you...you feel it more than hear it!


two months till lift off!

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try not to be on the outside of the course..


But thats where all the action and squishing occurs.


Reminds me a quote from a famous group B driver a long time ago (paraphrased of course)


When asked wether he would chose to hit a rock wall on one side of the course of a group of people on the other side should he lose it on a turn he said "...Well I would chose people, because people are squishy."


..awesome! :lol:


Spend some time in a service area. You see some great action there. Where in Italy will you be?


I would love to but cannot seem to find ticket or pass info to make that financial call....It is the tentative plan though. As far as I can tell it seems as though you can get pretty close to the action in the service areas. very cool.


I will be in Eastern Tuscany in Castiglion Fiorentino until mid may and then its off to Barcelona again to check out graduate schools and then Prague stopping along the way in Switzerland, Germany, and the BENELUX countries. (I hope) I know my schedule until mid May and then I'm winging it the rest of the time so we shall see. :)


Thanks for the info everyone, keep it coming!


p.s. Im also open to any suggestions about places to go or things to do...I'm open to anything and everything...just wish I had time to see it all.

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Ohhh the uninhibited girls in Italy...and the uninhibited food...and the uninhibited driving!! You will be near the best beaches in the world. Too bad you will miss the high season. There are two or three S30's in Italy. One of them is in Bergamo. It's a silver 240Z. I have spent alot of time there and all I can say is, maximum enjoyment. Fun, family, quality and craft, comes way first over quantity, money, and career. You should be able to find weber DCOE's in the salvage yards by the dozen. Hint hint.

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WRC rally New Zealand is on right now. Love going to see it, but havent for the last couple of years. I like to get on the inside of a fast corner and get as close to the road as I can. Gives you a hell of a rush. Be prepared to jump!



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While you're in Germany, If you get to Sembach, Check out the indoor kart track there... It's like NOTHING you'll see in the States... And SOOOO MUCH FUN!!!


They took thhree aircraft hangers and joined them together with portable canvas buildings and pumped heat in... Place is easily 8/10ths of a mile indoors.. It's a BLAST!!!


Also, If you find yourself near Ancona Italy, Take the Hydrofoil over to Zadar, Croatia for a day-trip, and if you can swing it, stay overnight! Talk about BEAUTIFUL WOMEN... None hotter than those Croatians on the Adriatic Coast! :2thumbs:


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Ohhh the uninhibited girls in Italy...and the uninhibited food...and the uninhibited driving!!


Your not making this wait any easier on me, OH the anticipation!!! :)


You should be able to find weber DCOE's in the salvage yards by the dozen. Hint hint.


Hmmm, My friends are going to think I'm nuts going to salvage yards in Italy...might have to ship myself a cheap tool kit before I leave..


If you can, get a motorbike or motorscooter for the event. This way you can go to different areas of the course and not be strapped to one area. (this tip came from friends that have gone to Rally Finland).


Excellent suggestion! I would have never thought of that one. I was planning on renting one while I was in Barcelona but never thought about getting one for the rally, why didn't I put two and two together?!


WRC rally New Zealand is on right now. Love going to see it, but havent for the last couple of years. I like to get on the inside of a fast corner and get as close to the road as I can. Gives you a hell of a rush. Be prepared to jump!




I don't know if I will be that daring at my first event, but I will certainly have a hard time keeping myself from doing something like that. :)


While you're in Germany, If you get to Sembach, Check out the indoor kart track there... It's like NOTHING you'll see in the States... And SOOOO MUCH FUN!!!


They took thhree aircraft hangers and joined them together with portable canvas buildings and pumped heat in... Place is easily 8/10ths of a mile indoors.. It's a BLAST!!!


Also, If you find yourself near Ancona Italy, Take the Hydrofoil over to Zadar, Croatia for a day-trip, and if you can swing it, stay overnight! Talk about BEAUTIFUL WOMEN... None hotter than those Croatians on the Adriatic Coast! :2thumbs:




I looked on the map but couldn't find Sembach..I did however find Simbach am Inn just East of Munich, is that the same place? If so then I will make sure I stop by because that kart track sounds awesome and since its a stop along my route It would be silly of me not to stop.


Ancona: I'm actually staying 140KMs by train from there so I will put that on the list too. We only have classes four days a week, the other three are travel days the school gives us so we can travel around without having to worry about time so I will try to make it a weekend solo trip ;)


The most difficult thing about this trip isn't deciding what to see, It's deciding what not to see :( I really feel that I could spend years there and not even get close to seeing half of what Europe has to offer, another reason to go to grad school there.


Well, thanks for all the suggestions, keep 'em coming!

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