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Hello Ernie,

Thank you for your kind words. I'm relieved that you took my post in the 'right' way, and I do hope that I did not offend - as I meant no personal disrespect to you at all.


I find it really sad that it seems so difficult to refute all the bad information now out there on the 'net. Misleading information and bad research used to be a little easier to weed out before it went into old-fashioned paper print, but the 'net effectively gives a green-lighted shortcut to the bad as well as the good and discerning one from the other is pretty hard sometimes unless you already know what you are talking about.


If there is any way to contact those responsible for the bad information you cut and pasted, I'd like to give it a shot. Maybe it can be put right?


Goertz passed away recently, and a fresh wave of bad information washed up on the beach. The man was a talented 'stylist' and certainly put himself in the right place at the right time occasionally, but he let his ( sizeable ) ego get in the way of the truth too often. He fostered misconceptions and assumptions, and the guys who did the real work on these cars never got the credit they deserved.


I've been lucky enough to meet both Yoshihiko Matsuo ( chief designer of the S30-series Z ) and Shihomi Hosoya ( part of the Toyota 2000GT design team and one of Japan's foremost race drivers of the 1960s ) and both of them are disarmingly modest and retiring, insisting that they were team players - the complete opposite of Goertz in fact. It is fascinating to listen to them talk of why they did certain things in the designs of these cars, and what they would have liked to have done given free reign. It is a pity that their voices are only usually heard in Japan.........





Anyway - back to your thread Ernie. Keep the good stuff coming. I'm especially loving the tubbed B110 and your red AutoX B110. Beautiful!


Best wishes,

Alan T.

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Imagine welding the tubes on the birdcage!!! I wonder how they welded on tubing that thin back then. TIG was still pretty new and OFW (oxyfuel welding) seems too rough for thinwall tubing. It could have been brazed I guess.

here is a pic of a birdcage seat framing:



Another fav. The Jaguar XJ-13









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Remember the thread someone started a few weeks ago about what the next Z body kit should be? The Jag XJ-13 is a perfect candidate. I had cpmpletely forgotten about it until I saw it in this thread. Gorgeous car!!

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Nah... the whole body!! I'll make my own headlight covers if need be. It can't be THAT difficult;-) Once this Alpha 1 is in shape, I may decide to take on another project. One like this would be the the necessary arm-twisting. I also love the Lola T-70!!!



  olderthanme said:
yeah...I started that thread :-)

A XJ-13 front end would be cool on a Z...Hedlight covers would not be any easier to get though than for a Gnose...

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  RacerX said:
Very nice race car!

1972 Alfa Romeo GTV Race Car


YES! one of my all time favorites, I will own a road version of that car someday!


  olderthanme said:
Imagine welding the tubes on the birdcage!!! I wonder how they welded on tubing that thin back then. TIG was still pretty new and OFW (oxyfuel welding) seems too rough for thinwall tubing. It could have been brazed I guess.



You are correct!, The majority of the vintage frames are brazed. This makes it easier to repair in case of an accident, that way you don't have to grind or cut the old tubes out, just heat them up and melt them out. of course there are exceptions to this, I seem to remember a few vintage P cars that had full aluminium tube frames TIG'd together.


Check out this link to go to a small photo album of Vintage race cars from Texas world speedway. this is a CVAR club race:




one of my favs, BMW 2002s




this is a real Alpina car, check out the flares!




anywho, plenty more in there, Not really Vintage photos, but whatever :)

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Olderthanme, I'm beginning to wonder if you got permission from all those websites to link their pictures in all your posts ;) If you host your pictures through hybridz then you can count on them being in this post a year or two down the road.


that being said, here is my contribution to this thread:



my car, circa 2004

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