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Missing Bicycle...


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In town we have two churches at either end, one Baptist and one Catholic. Oddly the parsonage for each church is closer to the other church so every Sunday the Priest and the Pastor ride bicycles and have to pass one another on their way to their respective churches. They greet each other every morning and often stop for a moment to converse. One morning the Baptist Pastor was riding along and came across the Catholic Priest who was walking. He stopped and inquired about his bicycle. The Priest said it had been stolen and he was quite upset about it. The Pastor said ok, here's what you do. Today you go over the 10 commandments and when you get to "Thou Shalt Not Steal" you watch the congregation closely and the thief will reveal himself. The next day the Pastor and the Priest are both riding again and the Pastor stops and asks again about the priests bike. "So the thief came forward I take it?" asked the Pastor. "No," said the Priest, "I went down the 10 commandments like you said and as I got to 'Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbors Wife' I remembered where I had left my bike!"


All in good fun, don't take offense...:mrgreen:

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Two small town Irishmen were sitting in the town pub, when the first one says to the second " You know, Sean old boy, I think I've had every woman in this town, except of course for me Mother and me sister."


To which the second Irishman says "Well then Patty me boy, between you and me we've had them all!"

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