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Project Forum


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I think it would be cool to have a forum for people to maintain there project progress. It would be nice to have them all in the same spot so we could see what others are working on and track the progress.


I was about to start a project car thread for my personal car. I looked at all of the available forums, but was questioning where to place the thread. My car is currently an l28, so at first I thought I'd put it in the L series forum. I'm currently doing body and suspension work on my car. So it’s not really related to the L series engine forum. After the body and suspension work, I plan to move onto more engine work. I'm also going to be rewiring my car and adding standalone engine management.


I could post my individual projects in lots of different parts of the forum. I was hoping that there would be a place made to have my project as a whole so I can show the start to finish work I put into it. Has this been requested before? Is there a reason this doesn't exist?



Justin Olson

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Could you add a link under the poster's name to their photo album? I hate trying to search albums here, and as a result, never do. A link next to their name on the left of the post sure would simplify things, otherwise I would like to see a specific project section as well.

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Or you could just post your build thread in the non-tech or miscellaneous tech forum here and then link that in the sig. Doesn't have to be located somewhere else, and doesn't necessarily require it's own forum.


I kind of like the idea of the project forum, but my concern is that people will post to their project thread rather than posting to the forum that fits the part of the project they're doing. What I mean is if you're working on a brake upgrade should you post to the BWSC forum, or your own project thread in the Project forum. And if they're intended to be separate, well I shudder at the thought of trying to round up all of the pictures and crap from my build for the last few years and putting it into one thread. That would take forever, and it is redundant too. Maybe if the proposed project forum were more of a show and tell and less technical in nature it might be OK.

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Jon, your case is a good example. I would like to look at all of the things you've been working on for your car as it progresses. As it is now, I have to search all the topics you've created and sift through those to see updates. I think the project forum would be a good place to post pictures and progress, but not so much technical questions about a build. Those should go in their respective forums.

Should this be a poll to see how many people favor this addition?



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What if we had a hybridZ online car show? Stuff like: best beater, best sleeper, most improved Z since last show, best paint, etc...

Just something we could do that would be fun. You would have to "Enter" the show officially just like a regular show and take pics from certain angles etc...

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Here is another forum that I'm apart of that has a nice project part of the forum:




Its really nice to go back and look at ones progress over a couple months or a year. It has helped me in the past to keep my head up and finish a big project. Its just nice to be able to see how much you and others have done over a set amount of time. Being its own part of the forum makes it nice since everyone post their projects in one place where they can easily be found.



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