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problem with pc

Guest aladavlis

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Guest aladavlis


I am having trouble with my Internet explorer.It is doing some very odd things.Sometimes it will completely close the page i am visiting for no reason or it will be very slow loading pages and when i say slow i mean very very very slow for eg i tried to google something and after 10 minutes of the page trying to load i gave up.I thought that it was perhaps the topic i was searching so i tried putting in random things to see if that made any difference but it didn't.Another problem i had was when i was on a forum and clicked on a link and nothing happened i tried to open a new tab and that wouldn't work either and it would let me access any options that are in my tools menu.i had to restart my computer.Just to let you know i have high speed Internet connection.Thanks in advance to anyone that helps me with this problem.

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I'm not really sure the troubleshooting forum is the correct place for this post. I also noticed this is aladavlis's first post, so I'm not sure he/she will even be back to read this answer. But since I'm an IT guy, I'll answer the thread and it may help others. You have a virus. Most probably your browser has been hijacked by some spyware. The above two replies would cure your problem, but for many folks switching to firefox may be over their heads technically or just not convenient. THe fact of the matter is firefox has less problems because it is less popular and thus most hackers write trashware for the most popular browser. As soon as firefox became more popular... guess what. Microsoft has really worked hard to harden there operating system (windows) and there browser (IE). Most people have a little common sense now when it comes to downloading and email. So the worse your average malicious code can do is bugger up your browser settings. Try logging on as another user. Create another user account if you have to. (control panel/user accounts) Then copy your favorites and documents to the new account and delete the old one. Voila... virus gone! This works better then most antivirus / spyware programs because a lot of this code is legitimate code being used in illegitimate manner so it isn't even picked up by antivirus software.

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If you keep a clean machine with plenty ram you don't have those problems. IE7 works fine but when you try to run XP and IE7 with 250 MRam you going slower than a Honda Civic with a 6 inch tailpipe. I also computer geek what MOM said is correct. You need to maintain your computer with same meticulousness that you take care of your Z. (I'm assuming anyone on this sight does change their oil once in a while)

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I might be the only one to argue this, but i have the new IE and i think it works better than when i had my Firefox. For me, some pages wouldnt load with Firefox, and with the new IE, they worked just fine. Also FYI, if ne one didnt know, the new IE7 has the tab feature like firefox does

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