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AwtoMakina Z Flare - Type I


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This is the place for factual information. How can a typed phrase "sound" one way or another. People need to be a bit more thick-skinned when putting information up on a forum where they WILL be called by someone with more knowledge, experience, or access. It happens to me, it happens to everybody. Facts are facts, and nothing more. It's like becomeing upset over statistics. It makes no sense. What would a PM accomplish if the person informed did not change the original statement. Try as you would, you can't make someone who was informed of a factual inaccuracy change something they posted---but by making a post, at least others will see it and can weigh the differences for themselves. Apparently this statement has been done before, so I appreciate a note that it's different.


It's no skin off my nose either way, I hadn't seen the other post regarding A-Speed, but it's good to see that there is a difference between the photo and the A-Speed Parts. It's not a pedigree, it's a functional or structural difference. "Looks Like" is one thing, "IS" can be something totally different--not referring to pedigree, but solely to functionality. I would prefer factual information any day over opinion or misrepresentation. How it's presented makes little difference to me. If someone chooses to be offended by someone pointing out a fact, then they are closing their eyes to that fact IMO...and what good does that do?

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"How can a typed phrase "sound" one way or another."


Simple, it's up to the reader. There's no facial expressions, no tones or pitches of the voice. For all I know, this guy could have meant what he wrote in a joking tone.


What I was thinking when I read his reply...

"That's the second time I've seen you do that on this forum.


***Good for you, your eyes are open and your memory circuits are intact. Are you stalking me???


I'm not saying any truths should be covered up, just saying he sounded condescending.


What if he wrote,

"I think (passive) you're wrong. You might (passive again) be getting that bodykit mixed up with AAA's bodykit, there are some noticeable differences.


"Sounds" way different to me! Makes me think the guy who posted it is humble yet intelligent and informed as well as likeable:-)


"People need to be a bit more thick-skinned when putting information up on a forum where they WILL be called by someone with more knowledge, experience, or access."


I agree totally. But still, people reading should probably take everything with a grain of salt too, that not everything posted is fact.

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Careless, Please go HERE: http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=93146


Now, as your product matures, please come to the admin staff FIRST before posting your product. We've had so many problems with others who decide they're getting into the body parts making business, and it creates a lot of work for the admin staff when things go south.


Good luck with your parts production and aim low for your initial production, and for everyone's sake, don't take a single dime for orders until you've got the production process nailed down and have stuff ready to ship... Search here for other examples of what NOT to do.



thanks for the link,


one thing i'd like to note, however, is that I would NEVER take money for something that I haven't finished doing, or have not started, or promised without completing.


I've been burned because of that reason MANY times by people who fucked off after work was done, but it doesn't phase me, because that's just the way I go about my business. That's just me, and I wish the rest of the world worked that way, and people changed their mind less often.


Also, this thread wasn't really meant to guage any interest in people BUYING the flares, it was to engage people into what I hoped would be a good source of preferences and ideas regarding the flares and how to integrate them into the factory body lines so that more people could benefit from having just another option for when they choose to modify the exterior of their car, without having to go to great lengths.


Great lengths like those that I am now forced to work upon, due to the fact that I've been duped for a perfect test candidate for these falres, which I am VERY P'O'd about.


This thread had all the same intention of those threads about other body kits and styling ideas, and ofcourse when the product would be complete I would just post a link in here to a for sale or group buy thread.


Nothing more. Heck i even drew stuff so people could get an idea and help me out in a less complex fashion. =(


Now coming back here and seeing that this thing is jacked up with all this nonsensicle and unapplied info, is it too much to ask to revert this thread back to it's original state where I left off with my 260z fiasco post?



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It's always good to see there are people who know all the facts down to the very last detail. If this were zcar.com...


Maybe you should try to sound a little less "historian-like" when you correct somebody. Or better yet, just PM them.




The original post on this thread by member 'nismoztune' has now disappeared. I presume that was actioned by hybridz Admin (?) rather than 'nismoztune' himself. Correction / editing would have sufficed, but whatever - at least it now won't form the root of an internet myth, or mislead those who use the SEARCH function in future.


However, the first instance of 'nismoztune' mis-attributing the origin of the body parts on the works car still owned by NISMO in Japan is still in place, here:




Its at post #24. I think it is quite plain that he thinks the works car is fitted with the Arita Speed 'Akira Z' body parts. Nobody has ( yet ) pointed out the difference to him. This is not just an "historical" point ( important to me but - as I'm often reminded - of little import to certain others here ) but - more importantly - misleading information about the Arita Speed parts, which are still available to purchase and fit. They are DIFFERENT. That is the main point.


So Owen, here's your chance to go over to that thread and make the correction without sounding "historian-like". How about it?


Alan T.

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Alan, for the record, NismoZtune soft-deleted his own post to delete the errant information... However, The point isn't that you corrected him. It was HOW you corrected him. Its that "tone" you constantly take in posts on this board. Unlike you, Many of the members here only care about what they want to know and have no interest in that nugget of info that's rare as hens teeth that you seem to have locked in your skull. Again, maybe you should stick to sites more geared towards period correct restorations.


I'm all for getting the facts out there to insure proper technical info is identified. However, some of these guys here do things without the intention of steering people the wrong way. I'm sure NismoZtune really DID think he was Identifying the bodywork accurately.

Mike Kelly

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Ok cant we all just get along just kidding not trying to start anything . Just want to ask again i really like the kit from arita speed . But im sure i cant afford it it was like 4 million yen whatever that equates to .


I noticed MSA sold some flares like that but now only has the bolt on style flares not the kind in the pics on the link . Id like to get a set for my z . Is there any place one can get these or something like them . .


as for the front id like to get fiberglass fenders is there anyone that sells a fiberglass fender that is wider then stock ?



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