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California Historical plates


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I got my California Historic Plates a couple days ago. I didn't even go to the DMV or turn in my old plates. I filled out a form online and mailed it in along with a check for $25. A couple weeks later the plate came in the mail. I only got one, so that means I don't have to run a front plate either.

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I got my California Historic Plates a couple days ago. I didn't even go to the DMV or turn in my old plates. I filled out a form online and mailed it in along with a check for $25. A couple weeks later the plate came in the mail. I only got one, so that means I don't have to run a front plate either.

You have a link to the online form? Most likely I have been staring at it during my DMV searches.

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This seems cool, but I would really worry about my insurance not covering my car. If the insurance company found out that I was using my car as a daily driver or for a non-historical reason, I figure I could be in a lot of trouble. Especially if I hit, or worse killed, someone else. Really not sure it is worth it for that reason.

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I got my California Historic Plates a couple days ago. I didn't even go to the DMV or turn in my old plates. I filled out a form online and mailed it in along with a check for $25. A couple weeks later the plate came in the mail. I only got one, so that means I don't have to run a front plate either.



I Don't think that means your also exempt from running a front plate.

If your were to get cited for not having a front plate, your only testimony would be that they didn't give you one. Furthermore, you wouldn't be able to get it signed off as a fix it because you only have one plate.


I would at least have another one just in case. Having the front plate on is on you...



Just my opinion as I hate dealing with the system.

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I Don't think that means your also exempt from running a front plate.

If your were to get cited for not having a front plate, your only testimony would be that they didn't give you one. Furthermore, you wouldn't be able to get it signed off as a fix it because you only have one plate.


I would at least have another one just in case. Having the front plate on is on you...



Just my opinion as I hate dealing with the system.

It states right on the envelope that the plate came in that if you only receive one plate, that's all you need to use. How can I put one on the front if I don't have it?


rudypoochris, or anyone else using their vehicles as daily drivers - I wouldn't recommend getting historical plates. As was stated you could get in trouble if something happened - like an accident and it was determined that you were on your way to work or something else not specifically covered under the provisions for obtaining these plates.

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Well, legally there's a LOT that you can pass off as "advertizing" to the IRS, even in the midsts of an audit, and they're about as stingy government as it gets. I think you could probably get these plates even if you're driving 10k miles a year, just not to work, unless you have a job that related to the Z/car club.


If say, you were a member of zonc and it was a "job" of yours to recruit people for membership (recently saw a ZONC business card at one of my favorite resturants in vallejo) then you could theoretically be driving the car nearly anywhere, as the car itself is part of advertizing for club events. And club purposes are the whole reason for the plates.


It's an iffy subject. I'd highly recommend contacting your accountant to get a better feel for how the laws can be worked. Lucky for me my mom is an accountant. :D

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