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What Camcorder to buy?


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I am going crazy trying to buy a camcorder. I bought a Samsung miniDVD camcorder for $399 and the picture is horrid. Washed out colors in all lighting and really dull picture. I am currently battling BestBuy to take it back with no restocking fee. The product purely stinks.


Can anyone recommend a camcorder for $400-$600 range. I want to shoot basic video around the house indoor/outdoor and also use it mounted inside the Z for some good in-car videos.


MiniDVD, MiniDV, HardDrive, Brand, Model.....? anyone?

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I've been using Canon MiniDV for years and I'm very happy with it. Mine is a ZR10 (the ZR line is now into the 100's, but when it first came out it was ZR10, then ZR20, etc.) .


My camcorder has put up with plenty of abuse being strapped to my helmet on hundreds of skydives without a single problem.

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Best Buy refuses to waive the 15% restocking fee ($60). I feel that they really should, seeing that the video quality of this Samsung Camcorder is so bleak. The indoor lamp lit shots are like watching ghosts with zero color at all. Just black figures and shadows. The outdoor day light shots look like black and white. Nothing is sharp. I read the entire manual to try to remedy the lousy picture quality with settings. The focus hunts back and forth in anything but sunlight. It's absolutely junk. I can't believe they are going to rob $60 from me because of this piece of crap product they sold me. I even called their headquarters and got nothing.


Any advice? Can I use the credit card company I used to pay for it with to leverage anything?

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Sorry to hear about your problems with the Slamsung.


Try talking with the store manager, or go up the ladder to his/her boss.




I'll second the suggestion on the panasonic.


The best picture I've ever seen in a consumer camera.


The reds are actually red, no washout on the highlights, and the picture is super sharp.


Seriously, when you watch a video from this camera it looks like low level pro video.


The 3 CCD thing really makes a big difference.



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Take the thing back when you know there will be a long line at the service counter and ask to see the manager. When he arrives, explain your concerns thoroughly and pleasantly making sure every customer in line can hear. Tell him you're not wanting a refund... just a camera that works reasonably well. Tell him the quality of the camera they sold you is terrible and be sure to explain exactly why. Again, make sure everyone in line can hear the conversation. The manager is more likely to be fair with you if a dozen other customers are listening.

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I have a Canon ZR50MC miniDV that is a dream to use. It is a few years old so don't know how the picture quality compares to the newer stuff. But it is still working without a hitch. Canon makes a quality product. About my only complaint is the low light sensitity is not the best. But for trips to Disneyland and kids recitals I couldn't ask for more.

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I am a big fan of Canon digital SLR cameras but I bought a Samsung Camcorder because I am extremely happy with my Samsung DLP television. Oh well, I screwed up and bought a crappy camcorder. After some arguing, they told me that if I exchenage it for another camcorder, they will waive the 15% restock fee. Thanks for the tips on the Panasonic 3 CCD technology. The Canons look like a really nice deal but Best Buy doesnt have a decent Canon in their lineup :-(


They don't have the panasonic GS500 either and that seems like a really nice camera but it's just too much for me to spend right now. I am leaning towards the Panasonic VDR-D250 from Best Buy or taking the $60 hit and going over to Circuit City for the VDR-D300. Both use the 3 CCD technology and the Mini DVD. I like the Mini DVD because I can throw them in my DVD player or copy them to my Media Center's hard drive and re-use the Mini DVD RW over again. It doesn't tie up the camera when I am transferring video.

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I went for the Panasonic VDR-D300 bcause it uses the same technology as the GS500 that seems to get really good reviews. I also found it at a steal of a price. Hopefully the deal will not be too good to be true.




Now off to try to get back my $60 from Best Buy!

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Sorry to hear about your problems with the Slamsung.


Try talking with the store manager, or go up the ladder to his/her boss.




I'll second the suggestion on the panasonic.


The best picture I've ever seen in a consumer camera.


The reds are actually red, no washout on the highlights, and the picture is super sharp.


Seriously, when you watch a video from this camera it looks like low level pro video.


The 3 CCD thing really makes a big difference.





Definitely get a 3ccd if you can. But no matter what kind of miniDv you buy, consumer or prosumer, its never going to be able to handle highlights very well. The UER (usable exposure range) of minidv is so little, only 3.5-4 stops at best (as opposed to HD which is 5-7 stops, and Film which is 7-10)

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