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Same scam...?


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I run my own personal training business as well as working for the Stanford University School of Medicine. I got this e-mail today, titled "Yoga Instructor Needed", which peaked my interest, and this is what it said:


Hello ,

i need a teacher for my child,and my child told me that is

interested in knowing it.Since i have the came across your email on

the net ,my child is just 18yrs of ages i understand that you are in

(us)because he will be coming from Netherland,i think that is my

opportunity because is coming to (us) for an holiday so i want to

make used of that opprtunity,i believe that you can bring out the

best in him,i am willing to you by the means of CERTIFIED

CASHIER'S CHECK OR MONEY ORDER,Give me you price for an hour,so that i


know how to proceed on the payment,and before that i will like to know;


1.Price for the lesson for an hour

2.cost for the lesson for 3 times in a week.

3.Total price for the lesson for a month.

4.Your location i.e (city and state).

5.Phone Number.




I'm guessing this is just another scam to be ignored?




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This is how I read this email:


Hello ,

Scam scam scam scam, scam scam. Scam, scam scam scam scam,

interested in scam scam. Since i scam the scam scam your scam on

the scam ,my scam is scam 18yrs of scam i understand scam you good.

(us)because he will be coming from Netherland,i think that is my

Scam opportunity scam is coming to scam for a scam so i want to

scam scam of scam opprtunity,i believe that scam can bring out the

scamer in him,i am scammer, to you by the scam of GIVE ME ALL YOUR

MONEY SCAM CHECK OR SCAM ORDER,Give me you money, for a scam,

so that i can scam the crap out of you.

know scam how to scam on the scam, and before that i will like to scam;


1. How much money I can squeeze out of you

2. How long until you figure out it's a scam

3. Total amount I can scam out of you if I try it again

4. Your location so I can scam your neighbors

5. Phone Number so I can steal you identity

I think that removes all doubt :P


Run away! Run Away!!!!! :eek:

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ok, guyz--i yam opening a course of study in recognition and avoidance of scams. this class will require all potential students send me 100$ to __________address before__________. class enrollment is limited due to space considerations. i will give the first 50 to register discount to 20% just because of this consideration, as the program is much more successful when competition is a factor.......register now, as space IS limited and this IS a MOST successful program......press f1 for statements from proud graduates..........



and, dude, yer Z is pink and all 3 of mine run well.......

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