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Simply amazing 250mph in a bone stock car


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A million bucks... that's like... umm... 40 REALLY NICE $25K Z-cars, isn't it? If each of these can go... oh let's say 160 MPH... that's a total of 6,400 MPH:mrgreen:

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The more you read about the Buggatti, the more impressive it gets. If it raced a Mclean F1, the Buggati could sit there and wait for the Mclearn to get to 120mph then start and it would still beat it to 200mph. The thing is an engineering marvel, I heard there are actually 5million to produce. This is an actual functional 1000hp reliable road car. I definately have to tip my hat !!!

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I agree that it's a significant engineering feat but for a million bucks it had BETTER be. For that much cash I'll bet a HZ team of our own multi-talented gurus could be assembled to design and build a vehicle that's just as impressive. Well... that is if there isn't anyone tempted to reach into that $1,000,000 cookie jar:mrgreen:

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yea... you could probably build anything to go that fast for a million, but could you get it to do it all day, and be controllable, and last 30 years, and be luxurious enough to satisfy people who are able to spend a million on a car..probably not. VW is a big company, and they weren't messing around...and they're taking a big loss on every one of those things. I dont know that many could do much better.

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Dude, video's gone!


I was talking to some friends from across the pond (in the UK) the other day about this car. They said one of the driving forces in building it was to help boost Bugati's sales. I wonder how much it really costs to build one, they mentioned 1 million (pounds, so like 1.9 million USD) but I'm not sure...


Edit: I don't think it's fair to call the Veyron "bone stock" ;)

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Guest TeamNissan

Well actualy they dont care about sales, Bugatti is finished pretty soon. They blew like 150mill on developement of the Veyron and arent selling any of them.

Thier mother company cof cof germans cof dont want them coming out with a cheaper model either that might compete with thier own cars so they are more inclined to mothball Bugatti. Thats what happens then Italian pride sells out. I can only imagine what ferrari would be like if they had sold out to ford way back when..... Prob destroy them just like jag.....

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Ive read that it costs them approx 6M per car to build (maybe thats considered total cost of design/engineering/tooling cost vs scheduled production numbers. They evidently take a HUGE hit on each car...


Regardless of how you feel about the Veyron (how can you not love it though?! :D), think about how lucky we are to see this kind of technology unfold. There won't be another like it for a LONG time to come.


I'd always heard people talk about the muscle car HP wars...


I think the real wars are happening now and I couldn't imagine a better time to be alive.

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