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I'm loving my new place here in Washington. Seven car garage with two bays that are insulated and heated. Right off the back porch is a one acre pond stocked with Rainbow Trout that range up to 24" in length. Am having trouble with muskrats but that has turned out kinda cool too as my wife and I have been hunting them. I have a 100 year old double barrel 28 gauge shotgun and it is perfect for the job. Chris has two confirmed kills and a probable so far and I have three confirmed. We had the Geek Squad at the house setting up the wireless network when I spotted a couple "sporting" in the pond. 5 minutes later they were both history. Man they are dumb. Not much of a challenge now that we've figured out their habits but it sure is fun. :twisted:

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"Seven car garage with two bays that are insulated and heated..."



Awe... you're just trying to pi$$ us off, aren't you? JUST KIIDING!!! I'm envious dude:mrgreen:


EDIT: Who do you think you are anyway... Jay Leno?!:flamedevi

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Normally I'm kind of a let live kind of guy - like the 24" rainbow trout in my pond that Chris feeds each day- but the muskrats have been digging dens under the foundation of my house and that was where the grace ended.


I'll track down some photos of the garage / barn and get them up in my photo album - it might take a few days with the schedule I keep.


Big Phil - Yeah, I miss the meetings too. Lot's of good guys in that club. Sorry 'bout the dues though - it just isn't going to happen.:-D

I finally got the LS1Z out Saturday and ran him through the gears to get the battery charged a bit and move the oil & grease around some. Everythign seemd pretty good. The Z32 is going to need some attention though. Needs new tires, leak in the power steering, windshield washer quit working, and definitely due for a tune-up.

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The muskrats will also den in the dam and seriously weaken the structure of the dam. Blast away at them, they're prolific and you're not going to put them on the endangered species list.


I too have garage envy.



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No pelt saving. I just toss them up on the bank when I can and let the carrion critters haul them away during the night. That way I'm still contributing to the eco system a bit.


Dam will be ok - it's concrete - used to be a salmon hatchery here many, many yeasrs ago - thus the salmon that return to spawn in the creek & the pond twice each year. Evidently quite the sight but I haven't seen it yet.

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Muskrats are nasty lil critters when you want your earth to remain flat and solid (read: mow-able).

Worse than moles. Used to hunt them on my parents' land with a scoped 10/22 and, if I felt spanky, a mini-14.


Oh, and the whole garage envy thing! Right now I don't even have a carport :(

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Hey Bill good to hear you're getting settled out there. Speaking of Kaboom any Army training going on out there? ;)


If ye ole 28ga is becoming mundane and not a challenge pick yourself up a nice rifle with a scope and start pecking at their heads sniper style.


Tell Chris we said hi, boys are growing like weeds and doing great!



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Have to limit my artillery to the shotgun. Neighbors are too close for anything with any kind of range. I also have gophers but will have to deal with them in a different way. No way I'm going to share the fun with a dog. Wife gets too excited each time she gets one. To know Chris and to think about her hunting is kind of an oxymoron but she has been bitten with the bug. I'm really enjoying her enthusiasm.


David - fortunately the artillery range is far enough away that I don't hear any of that. I understand it's still pretty active, though.

I'll pass on your howdy to Chris. Good to hear the boys are doing well.


Anyone coming through the Yakima area drop me an email ahead of time and stop by. You'll love the place.

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