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flame help


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I got bored today and pieced together a flamethrower kit. i had my friend verify that i had spark. Im running my mix a little rich, not much. I cannot get a flame to produce at the tail pipe.


its like 3 inches from the end. ngk plug. accel wire. regular coil. please help ;me trouble shoot this. i did it for the carshow in a few weeks and need it working

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So you know you got spark. The only other thing is fuel.


Unless of course your timing is off. I would say retard the spark by another 10 degrees. j/k


Seriously, when you tested for spark was the plug in the tailpipe? or was it being grounded against somthing else. you might try running a wire from the ground on the plug to the ground on the coil.


For fuel, try spraying lighter fluid in there (BUT BE CAREFUL), that will give you an idea if there is enough fuel.


Also although I'm probably the only person with a 240z who is running a cat, if you have one it probably effects the amount of fuel left unburnt in the exhaust.

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there is a kit you can buy that actually sends extra fuel down the line to make wicked sparks, might wanna trying and google it. it may prove a better way to treat the engine in your ride. if you really want, get a cold start valve of a s130, then mount it in the pipe, then youll have fuel right b4 the plug, and make flames any time you want. can get power from your engine(no extra weird tuning) and great flame. just dont get caught.

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I did some reading and i am going to run my engine coil off of a relay(post that puts power wen switch is off) and run the flame coil off of the oter side of the relay. so wen i wind up my engine and hit the switch, it will kill ignition and light the fuel.

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I wired it up so that the relay draws power from the supply wire for the engine coil. i tested it in an ally a few min ago. when i flip the switch, i hear the relay kick in and the engine startes to stall. When i did it i was at like 2k and reved when it kicked in. i heard it backfire and saw alot of smoke out of the pipe. i think its safe to say that its working

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I will go to hell if I contribute to this post...


Make sure as stated above your exhaust isn't isolated (rubber hangers...) form vehicle ground, and the flame coil ground.


Then make sure you have enough raw fuel to ignite. It's not as easy as it sounds if you aren't injecting it directly into the pipe raw through a mist injector. If you had Megasquirt or a standalone it would be VERY easy to get 'decel enrichment' to a point where you had PLENTY of gas.


Normally, these show units use the raw-gas-injection method for reliable flamage, and you simply use engine exhaust as a preheater and motive force to shoot the flames out the tailpipe, not as the source of the combustible material itself.


Good Luck. Post photos when you get it flaming!


Let it never be said I didn't assist when a good flaming was needed!!! LOL

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The exhaust hangers are welded in! wen its on, i get some static thru my radio, solution: turn off radio. i get enuff raw fuel. i had my friend verify today wen i almost torched his civic bumper after school. lol. wen it lights up, it goes bang and shoots a flame. almost sounds like a backfire

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Careful with the cutting-power-to-coil thing...you'll blow your muffler up! (you really should inject fuel AFT of the muffler....filling the entire exhaust with fuel isnt a good idea unless you like replacing it a lot.) :oP

I used to scar the $#1T out of people in my 68 510, get up to 40, turn key off, downshift a gear, pump the CRAP out of the gas, and turn key on at about 15mph.

It sounded like a shotgun blast, and the 4th time I did it, my muffler blew apart. It was funny until I had to go to the base and listen to the unmuffled 4cyl. (Z24 swap)

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Plus...if you inject fuel and ignite it, and just use the unburned byproducts in the exhaust to supply oxygen (as some remains unless you've achieved 100% efficiency), you'll be able to shoot flames like a flamethrower. (you can make a quick puff of flame without a flame kit with pre-cat cars and cutting power to ign and reapplying it.)

Not suggesting anything, but plumbing NOS back there might make a HUGE, HOT flame...(probably too hot though..lol)

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I was just thinking about that backfire when you said you shut the coil down and if backfired. If the exhaust system is hot enough it's going to ignite the gas anywhere in that exhaust line. You may have to run it rich a while before you throw the switch, even at that I'm not sure it's going to work.

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The pipe wasnt hot enought. when i hit the switch and dumped the throttle, it sounds like a backfire w/ a whooshing sound over it when it shoots the flame. it has NEVER backfired out the tailpipe since ive had the car. just through the intake. what would cause that btw?

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Would it work if you were to have a switch between one sparkplug wire and the coil so when driving you can have power to the engine sparkplug then for flame switch it to a sparkplug in the exhaust? The one cylinder wouldnt be igniting so youd have extra fuel.

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