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Quality of cheap aussie manifold.


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Im going to post this here versus another section becuase it is RB specific.


Dont flame me too hard here but i am a cheap mother ♥♥♥♥♥♥ and i will do ♥♥♥♥ as cheap as possible as much as possible just to see. Here is one of those times.


I couldnt pass this up. its not a ssautochrome .. its out of australia. not sure what the ♥♥♥♥ titanium coated is supposed to mean but anyways ,,,,,here is the link to the auction i won. First off i didnt ever think i was going to win it because i only bid one dollar above the starting bid. i ended up paying 135 dollars for shipping :huh:




I was expecting to get this POS manifold that was spray painted a unusual color but here is what showed up today. I installed the el cheapo wastegate i won on ebay you see the details on that in a different post here.


What do you guys think. the welds look good. and there was some time put into cleaning up the inside of the manifold to.











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lol, not too shabby, only thing i can see it lacking -if it fits well- are supports to keep the welds from cracking. if you made a bracket or just re-enforced the welds a little i think it'd get you by nicely

Dave =]

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:D Hey i think i got ripped off!!!!! i was just looking at the ebay pics again. they said it was titanium coated and has a kinda goldish tint to it. Mine dosnt have that. looks like plain old steel!!!!!! WTF I'm calling my congressman:biggrin:
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BTW i have heard from a couple people i trust that these manifolds will last just as long as any of there Hi dollar brothers.


My other manifold (gready) has allready been modified to fit my car. the only way i will be using this one is if it fits and dosnt have to be cut and rewelded. i will go as far as opening up some holes but thats it. If it needs to be cut i will throw it in the parts been and save it for a rainy day backup.

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In my opinion from the looks of the manifold i cant see how you could be ripped off at that price,the welds alone look like there is some considerable quality put into at least some of the part.I cant really see the inside too well from your pics but i would be happy to see that someone at least took the time to do some work in there.I know that i definately would not do that much welding alone for that price,and if it doesnt fit at least you have a pretty mantle piece.

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I talked to the guy that is doing my chassis and he said even if i brought everything to him tacked in place and all he had to do was clamp it and weld it he couldnt do it cheaper then what i got the manifold for!!!!


Stony - "Cheap" when used in the same sentence as "Performance" is usually followed by "BOOOM!"


I have the real parts in where it counts. Not trying to be a smart ass but tell me where an exhaust manifold will hurt an engine if it cracks. Or if a waste gate fails (I will have over boost protection) or if a blow off fails. Worst case I will not boost and just put all my other stuff on that is name brand :> I have said several times now that the parts I have chosen to run have been run on other cars that I have either personally seen or heard from reliable people and they have had no problems. So please everyone I have heard all the clichés about these "cheap" parts ... its getting old. When I get the car to the track and run the crap I will tell you how it does.... when and if it breaks you can say I told you so. But really you can’t because im going in knowing the chance is that something will break and I will unbolt it and put on my ugly old good stuff :D

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Not for me ..... just gonna throw it in the parts bin for a rainy day when i have teh time and energy to expend on this manifold.


I guess i could put it in a press or something and try and get it closer. Any suggestions????

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