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bought a bad car! what to do?

Guest JuDawg

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Guest JuDawg

long story short... i bought a car that is salvage title though the seller said it was clean. the seller also put fraudulent tags on the car causing my car to be towed away from my work costing me $200 in tow fees, $75 in the release from the police. also the car had back fees built up from 2005 costing me 400 total to clean everything up including fees from a bounced check. also got a ticket for 100 bucks because of no registration. (my fault i guess) i bought the car for 3000 in decent condition (6 out of 10)


i want to at least get some sort of reimbursement from this guy cuz he ripped me off and caused me legal troubles. i was thinking of getting my car apraised as a salvage title and sending him a bill of the difference in value, plus the registration back fees including the bounced check, plus tow and release fees. does that sound fair to me and him? it is his fault the car got towed in the first place for putting fraudulent temperary operating permit. back fees from the registration should be on him because of the previous owner neglected to register.


also on a side note, the bill of sale says it was a gift instead of the actual price of 3000 cash


any and all advice will be considered and greatly apreciated! thanks for your input and helping out a proud owner of a 74 260z and 92 300zx TT.

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if you hire a lawyer you could sue him for the face value that you paid as well as the tickets tow etc etc and go after him for lawyers fees but you will loose the car for sure. but hey tell him that he illegally sold you the car and unless he wants you to hire the lawyer and sue him (him owing you alot more) youll settle for the diffrence between the two or your money back whats he going to say your on legal ground he is not

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hurm.. sounds like a sour deal =(


but if the bill of sale indicates "gift" and you signed it unfortunatly there is not much you can do about the price.


HOWEVER... switching VIN tags is FRAUD and you can sue the guy.


Im sorry to hear about your troubles..


but welcome to Hybridz!! another PROUD owner of a Z car!!

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But what happens when he gets to court and the price says "gift??" The judge may ask why he's trying to get out of paying his fair share of reg fees. I'd hate to go to court knowing that. Also, if the car was salvage title, why didn't the title have that printed on it to begin with. The seller has to sign the title over in the first place. Does the bill of sale (he did make one, right?) state what the car is that he bought? Does it state, "clean title" or just "as is?"



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Guest JuDawg

when i bought the car, he put a temp operating permit (not switching vin numbers) on the car that belonged on another car forged to make it look like it was for my car thus resulting in the towing of my car. he also says he lost the title for it and made me get a duplicate for additional fee... so in reality i just spent 3700 on a salvaged car... btw, this is in the state of california

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dude i definetly agree with rdsk8ter...i think you should go to that guy and threaten lawyers and courts and scare him into taking the easy way out, which is at least reimbursing you for the fees you had to pay! when i got my z, i got home and it died and i couldnt get it started. i called the seller and ruffed him up, and he offered to come help me out or pay for part of whatever repair it needed...he was pretty cool about it...funny it turned out to be my choke cable though

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And tell the judge you didn't notice the word gift on the bill of sale until you got it home.


Good luck scaring the guy. Sounds sleazy enough that he won't be too imtimidated by much.


Even if you win in court it will be up to you to collect. The blood out of a turnip thing.

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Guest JuDawg

how much is the salvaged title 260z go for? the exterior is in 6 out of 10 condition, interior is 5 of 10, motor is 6 of 10. rust on the floorboards have been welded over, minimal rust on the body, all around i think its worth about 3 as a clean title. it also has a l28 with the 5 speed and r200 diff.









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Guest JuDawg

btw, he has a set of nice 15' drag rims thats about 3 or 400 bucks, and a v8 conversion kit. do you think its fair of i called it even if he gives me those parts? i think i'm taking the easy way out but i honestly dont want more troubles now that i know i got everything paid off

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No offense but you can buy a pretty nice "runner" for 1800-2400 in the Southeast.. I think he owes you the parts and $1000 for misrepresentation. Do you BOTH have a copy of the bill of sale stating "gift"? You can always "loose" yours and deny knowing anything about it. Or just tell the judge the truth and he can deduct the tax from the settlement...

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If that red Z is the car you are having problems with, i would just take the loss and keep it and not trouble yourself chasing this guy for money or other compensation. If i were you, i wouldnt bother with the headache because what you get out of it isnt worth all the time you are gonna put in. Just use it as a learning experience. Dont take this as talking down on you, but what were you thinking buying a car without checking up on it before hand?

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I spent 3 years trying to track down a "bad title" problem. Mine was worse than yours. I paid more, and the title I got was not legit. I should finally get a clear title in my hand this weekend if everything goes right. If I had it to do over again, I'd part what I could and cut the rest up with a sawzall and recycle the metal. If you've got a legal title to the car just make the best of it.

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Guest JuDawg

i'm gonna at least try to get the v8 kit and the rims for it. if he deny those things then i'mma threaten to take him to court.


the v8 kit would actually be handy cuz i was planning to make it a v8 drift car.

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dude go after all that and more im telling you that he will drop a brick in his pants when you threaten him with the lawyer you will get your way. Just say ok i have spoken to a lawyer do you want to keep this out of court? he will say what do you mean say that you can go after him for all the fines and what not but you wanna do this the easy way. he will ask well whats the easy way say i want bla bla bla (obviously what you want out of the deal) also let him know that due to the fact he switched the vins and sold you an improper car and that he has commited a felony and is looking at jail time trust me at this point there will be 2/3rds of a brick house in his pants then also say well maybe i sould just hire my lawyer. most likely youll get a no dont do that lets work it out and then say well and ask for more then you want he screwed up not you dont let him push you around its his fault he is in this boat.


also on a side note small claims is only 2000 or under in colorado check with your state


i'm gonna at least try to get the v8 kit and the rims for it. if he deny those things then i'mma threaten to take him to court.


the v8 kit would actually be handy cuz i was planning to make it a v8 drift car.

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MAN! I hate this kind of crap.. but after going through similar issues, TWICE, I now check EVRYTHING when I buy a vehicle... Once I bought a 79 Jeep J10 from a guy who brought it up from Ohio (I'm in Ontario Canada) but never paid the duty, taxes, ect so I was stuck with it, and all the asociated fees. That was a PITA, but THEN... A few years later, I bought an Audi 5000 turbo (not a good idea on the BEST of days.. :roll: ) and the guy who sold it to me was NOT the registered owner. On top of that, the guy HE bought it from, filled out all the 'change of ownership' fields in the ownership, but never registered it.. So basicaly, I was out my $2000, and could never licence the car legaly. I couldn't get ahold of the seller, OR the previous buyer, therfore I didn't have a proper bill of sale, and the MTO wouldn't do a damn thing for me. Ironic that my ins co. had no problem covering me, but because the MTO wasn't satisfied, I ended up sticking plates from my old car on it, and driving it for about 6 months. :redface: Stupid I know, but it was a decent looking 4 door and I drove very responsibly.. and lucky for me, the car crapped out and I never got pulled over.

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also on a side note small claims is only 2000 or under in colorado check with your state


In CA it's $5,000 and it costs $75 to file, period. You can file a small claims lawsuit for $75 against him and perhaps he'll sit up and take notice. He'll be required to go to court with you, but you can always settle outside of court man to scum, er... man. But, like Pop says, it is up to you to collect even if the judgement goes against him. I should know, I have been sued twice in small claims court...





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