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Slight arsenal update


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Those are beautiful. I have family members (in KS) with amazing collections as well, and it's always a pleasure to go hunting (or target/skeet shooting) with them. I have a special place in my heart for .22 rifles, as I learned to shoot (after BB, first real one) on a 30s (IIRC) Winchester pump-action .22 repeater...amzingly rare, and we somehow have two, with sequential serial numbers.


They certainly don't make things like they used to. The original wood stocks that were made to last 100 years are so much nicer (IMO) than those artifical things they use these days.


BTW, where on earth in the Bay Area can you go to fire those? I'm in Oakland and the last range I knew of that let you use anything high-powered or automatic closed about five years ago.

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  rztmartini said:
its all about the M1 Garand...wish i had a carbine tho...lol

its a pig but its def. a classic...but by no means rare lol


Agreed, My collection started with a 1944 SA Garand, then I decided I needed everything used during the period. My collection now includes (but is not limited too) M-1 Garand, KAR98 Mauser, M-48 Mauser, SKS, Mosin-Nagant. I am still looking for a good Enfield, and a 03 Springfield

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I know that, I've been into them for a while. I was just curious what type his was. Just because they are similar does not mean there is a $300 difference in price. Like a mint condition Tula compared to a Yugo, one is worth $100 the other is worth $400. Thats a big difference for a "similar" gun.

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  ProjectSR20 said:
I really dig the SKS. What type is it? I just picked up a Chineese thats really sweet. I am about to place the same order for ammo too...:2thumbs:


It's a numbers matching russian SKS make in 1954.



Z-tard: i'm on calguns :) i post as af240z there



theneedforz: actually, all SKSs are very different. Chinese are the lightest because of crappy wood they use. The machining on parts is horrible, but they're quite accurate, reliable, and sturdy as far as mechanics go. Norinco also made a paratrooper version of the SKS, which has a really short barrel, and it's very light


Yugo SKSs are heavy because of the wood, and the fact that they lack chrome barrells. Because of that the barrells are heavier, so the yugo sks has about 1lb more weight

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  ProjectSR20 said:
I know that, I've been into them for a while. I was just curious what type his was. Just because they are similar does not mean there is a $300 difference in price. Like a mint condition Tula compared to a Yugo, one is worth $100 the other is worth $400. Thats a big difference for a "similar" gun.


Depending on how one defines "similar." To me, all SKS are "very similar."

SKS and Rashid are "very similar." Heck, even Ljungman AG42b and Hakim are "very similar"....to me.


If you are into collecting, there are many, many SKS variants.



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  auxilary said:

Z-tard: i'm on calguns :) i post as af240z there



I've only been on there for a few weeks now. Pretty good forum, kind of like HybridZ but for guns. The Mods run a pretty tight ship over there as well :)

I post as FMJBT on there. I've started bringing back some of my evil "Assault " rifles back to CA after researching legal ways to make them conform to current state laws on that site.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I live right next to SDSU. We should go shooting sometime (OMG, I just mentioned a college campus and shooting in the same post....) I'll be on deployment to Kuwait until November, so if you are in the area (edit: after november, in San Diego) let me know.



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Man you guys got it rough in CA. I keep seeing pictures of 100 year old military weapons on this site. Sporterized or not, they are still 100 year old military weapons. I admit, I do own an SKS, but I have a few AK's and a nice Rock River with a 24" barrel that can shoot sub MOA at 500 yards and one hole all day at 100 yards.

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  Lewis Maudlin said:
Man you guys got it rough in CA. I keep seeing pictures of 100 year old military weapons on this site. Sporterized or not, they are still 100 year old military weapons. I admit, I do own an SKS, but I have a few AK's and a nice Rock River with a 24" barrel that can shoot sub MOA at 500 yards and one hole all day at 100 yards.


We can still have the cool stuff, it just has to be a castrated version with fixed 10 round mag. Either that, or you can take all the offending "assault rifle" features off, like flash hiders, pistol grips, barrel shrouds, etc, and then you get to have a 10 round DETACHABLE mag. Yeah, this state is in pretty sorry shape.


Fortunately being in the military has some perks. Last week as part of my weapons qualification prior to deployment, I got to shoot a belt fed M-240 machine gun, along with a full auto M-16 and a lame a$$ 9mm berretta. After qualifying, we had to burn up all the excess ammo we brought, which ended up looking and sounding a lot like the scene in "Predator" when they cut down an acre or so of jungle with a minigun. Imagine about 1/2 an hour of non stop fully automatic rifle fire. The 240 is a pain to shoot from the hip, ala John Rambo style, but it just feels better that way :) I also found out that it takes about 12 30 round magazines run one right after the other on full auto to make an M-16 hot enough to begin emitting smoke from the outside of the barrel.....



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