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replated old z parts-check it out!

1 tuff z

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i've been collecting z parts for 20+ years now and sometimes would just toss stuff [i know, i know] because i didn't have the space. anyway, some stuff i didn't rid myself of due to the fact that it was smaller. a couple of years ago i 'found' a business local that does plating-clear & yellow zinc and nickel. 2 weeks ago i finally got off my butt and took a box of old parts there to have them yellow zinc plated. anyway, i'll stop typing and let the pictures [larger images in my gallery] speak for themselves...yell_zinc_plated_hood_latches.jpgyell_zinc_plated_h2o_pulley_washer_nozzls.jpgyell_zinc_plated_gas_cap.jpgyell_zinc_plated_parts.jpg


i would be willing, now that i have been the test on this to do some plating work for others interested. please contact me thru this email [one_tuffz@yahoo.com] directly [please no pm's] and we can discuss arrangements. no aluminum parts, some rust is ok.


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How clean is clean? before they will accept the parts? I'm not looking to be lazy, I'd just like an idea of how much prep will I need to do before I could get parts done. Do they get acid dipped or something first? (I do not know what is involved with this process )


I too keep lots of little bits and pieces. Though at those prices, it could be a fun winter project to slowly work through the car getting things replated and nice and clean...


Oh Oh my spidey senses are telling me to beware of the "while I'm at it" syndrome.



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the assortment i took them included; rusty, grimy, greasy, filthy, etc. i asked-what do i need to do? his reply-"nothing, we'll bead blast what's rusty and chemically clean all the other stuff". it was pretty simply, stop and drop it off. taking another 'load' on monday to them!


pimped jewelry for our z's [YO]!

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