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Stick a fork in him, he's done


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I suppose none of you have ever inadvertantly struck oil when looking for gold (if you catch my meaning...)? How long does that bleeding take to stop? The fork would have to go through the skin on both the inside, and the outside of the nose in addition to the cartilage, in four different spots. There would have been blood like crazy, and there is none in these photos. Look at the fork handle in relation to the arm. There is definitely something fishy there...

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Well, I have many friends with pierced noses and none of them had there nose bleeding after the piercing and the pin does go trough the skin on each sides but, I have to agree that a fork might not be the ideal tool to go trough skin without damage and there would probably be a lot of blood involved.


But as Cygnus and I said the nose tissues aren't designed to support the whole weight of your body and if the first point of impact is the fork's handle and it happens to, who knows why, be in your nose at the time, most of the blood would have come from the fact the the nose tissues would have separated from the rest of the face...


On the "after" pictures in naviathan's link, you see no traces of injuries around the nose, not even on the wall between nostrils, which could not have escaped unharmed and I know for sure that with just a little, well placed hit on the nose, you get 2 nice shiners under each eye. Plus, the exit wounds seems a bit to clean for this kind of injury, unless Mom spends her spare time sharpening the cutlery

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The picture was obviously taken in an emergency/hospital room.


Maybe the nurses cleaned everything up waiting for the doctor to come in and remove it.

I've been to the emergency room for trauma, and they don't do much cleanup while you're waiting. They surely don't launder your clothes while you're waiting for the doctor...I still say bogus, regardless of the snopes page.

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