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Greetings from Iraq...


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What service are you in?


I'm in the Marines and will be back home in San Diego in a few days (we rode Navy boats to and from Iraq).


Yeah, it sucks over there but the time does go fast. Not sure what MOS you do but some have a better life than others (I'm a grunt so we didn't get much luxury lol). The heat was miserable when we were there...sometimes getting into the mid 130s. We had no AC in our tents for awhile so even sitting still (with no body armor) you just sweat.


I actually saw quite a few camel spiders and scorpions. They tend to come out at night if you have a light on. They're pretty comical really since they run around with their front two hands up in the air like an idiot.


Definitely keep your head down...it will be over before you know it.


BTW...do you know about the sock/water trick? If you got shipments of warm water with no refrigeration, this trick will get your water cool. Put your bottled water in a sock (preferably clean) and wet it down real well. Then hang the sock somewhere (shade if you can) and wet it down periodically. After around 15 or so minutes, the water in the bottle should be cool. Not sure why this works but it does.

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What service are you in?


I'm in the Marines and will be back home in San Diego in a few days (we rode Navy boats to and from Iraq).


Yeah, it sucks over there but the time does go fast. Not sure what MOS you do but some have a better life than others (I'm a grunt so we didn't get much luxury lol). The heat was miserable when we were there...sometimes getting into the mid 130s. We had no AC in our tents for awhile so even sitting still (with no body armor) you just sweat.


I actually saw quite a few camel spiders and scorpions. They tend to come out at night if you have a light on. They're pretty comical really since they run around with their front two hands up in the air like an idiot.


Definitely keep your head down...it will be over before you know it.


BTW...do you know about the sock/water trick? If you got shipments of warm water with no refrigeration, this trick will get your water cool. Put your bottled water in a sock (preferably clean) and wet it down real well. Then hang the sock somewhere (shade if you can) and wet it down periodically. After around 15 or so minutes, the water in the bottle should be cool. Not sure why this works but it does.

I'm a contractor for the Combat Operations Center (COC/UOC) Marine Corps Project.

As for the sock cooler trick, yeah I'm prior service so I knew about that one. It's the evaporation of the water off the sock that cools the bottle. Gotta love those little tricks of trade. :)

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You guys are great! Thanks for all the support. It's surprisingly a lot different around the military installations.


< mod editted...>


Wow, sorry, political rant. lol I really just meant to say thank you for giving us the support that those closest to the military don't seem to provide...Admins...Delete the rant if you want...Wasn't actually meant to be there...

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Good point. Maybe in a couple decades I'll run for president...lol that would be interesting...Anyone think they could build me a stretch Z limo?


Yup! I'll do it! Thank you and everyone else in the armed services for doing such a great service to our nation and the world.

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If you come up here on business, I'll buy you lunch at the chow hall! You're lucky, I got stuck with these Army guys. They think having to clean or carry their rifles is 'cruel and unusual'.


Inter-service jabs aside, I'm going to have to make a video or something. You guys really need to see what a country with no traffic law looks like!

Hell, even Iraq makes a sort of sense, especially in comparison. No Z's yet, but there are quite a few Datsuns still stumbling along...ish...


Contracting really is a lifestyle, and a great one at that, but I can't help but sit here, worrying how rusted the 280z will be when I get back.

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Yeah, I can't see doing a year again just to get the tax free status. It paid for a lot the last time, but this time around I'll just do 6 months and get it over with. I've got a kid on the way and I want to be there for the birth. He's due May 30th and I should be home May 1st.

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Grats on the kid!


My 280 is sitting in my mother's driveway under a tarp...in Boston...

I wish I could have it at a shop, getting some work done while I'm over here so it''' be ready to go when I get back. Problem is, though, I can't trust my brother with money, and I wasn't in Boston long enough to get any real mechanic friends I can trust, save one, and he's busy enough as it is.


Going off tangent a bit, I've been considering jumping ship over here.


There is a company across the street who's just lost a couple people, and offered a co-worker and I a job. It's really tempting...



-I'd get my own room.

-I'd get promoted from Helpdesk to Network admin/tech

-approx. $40-60k pay raise.

-they have more techs than they need (due to contract req), and I'll have more time to study for certs (ATM I have none).



-I've been a contractor for all of two months, and I'm worried about burning bridges/being greedy.


I'm going to be going by there tomorrow to see if the pro's are true, as well as an informal interview. I could use some opinions on this one, as my hesitation is based almost solely on scruples.


BTW, Naviathan, once the weather gets colder, you'll be seeing our friend Mr. camel spider a lot more! Kabul doesn't have any :)

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What company are you with and what company would be offering this new position? I've worked with General Dynamics through my whole (albeit short) contracting career, however my father has worked for quite a few and I know which ones to look out for and which ones to go with. Email or PM me and maybe I can help you out, give you a little insight.

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