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Why wasn't I told before, from now on, my Z runs on water.


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If you have a TURBO Charger, I'm not sure yet - we've had feedbacks of great success (see below) but we're are still testing TURBO and will publish results soon.


I wonder what it does for boost. if it change's the Octane level.


But it would be really sweet to get 50+ mpg and still chrip gears!;)

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after a quick search on youtube videos it seems like this stuff has been around for a while now.







water powered drag cars




I guess we haven't seen this technology being marketed in major auto makers because big business companies will lose a ton of money off our dependent motors. It'll happen when big corporations want it to.

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those water cars are nothing more than steam rockets. they work by superheating the water while under pressure, so the water is unable to boil. as soon as they open up the valve, all the water instantly turns into a high powered steam rocket.


as for the link posted up above. It sounds like nothing more than electrolysis. I did it back in my freshman year of highschool. Pretty simple to do. take 2 electrodes and a couple test tubes. have the testubes in the water filled 100% with water, with the electrode tips in the tubes. hook a battery charger to the electrodes and kick it on. after a while, the hydrogen and oxygen will build up in the tubes. I can't rmember which one is attraced to which electrode, but the hydrogen tube will make a nice loud pop with a flame, where as the oxygen tube will simply put out the flame when you light it. Takes quite a while to get anything out of it though.

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Guest TeamNissan

Ya, is IS electrolysis, nothing new. This is nothing but another take on the hydrogen based one which has been around for years and is also b.s.. Mythbusters tested a bunch of them with obvious results. Sure it creates gas but at such minute levels its useless. You really think automakers or anyone for that matter could keep something like this under wrap if it worked? I don't think so......


You know water doesn't have to be heated under pressure for it not to boil. Pure h2o doesn't boil. Its the impurities in the water that cause it to boil.

This can be tested by putting distilled water in a pot on the stove. 10min, a hour, w/e it won't boil. If you then drop something into the water, like say a spoon. It will cause the water to instantly boil and you get quite a violent reaction :-). Just fyi

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Theres some theory that if you were to have completely pure water and a glass sphere (hollow) that has no inperfections you could superheat it and then we it is shattered would release huge amounts of energy.


Id be willing to donate 5 bucks to get someone to test this or some other kind of water car system.

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Guest TeamNissan

Ya, if I remember correctly from college it has to be a oxygen free sphere. The process is called boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion. Regular water boils at 100c but pure water doesn't boil until about 300c, pure water in a oxygen free environment goes way beyond that. When you break it, it boils instantly releasing insane amounts of energy violently. There are a bunch of ways to get that result though. Dumping certain molten metals into water under 70 degrees causes serious explosions. Even how I mentioned above, heat pure water passed 100c on your stove then drop in a spoon or some such and you'll get quite a reaction.


I'd be all over testing that thing if there was even a chance it could do what it claims, or even 1/10 what it claims. There isn't though sadly.

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i know their is contraption to burn water AND deisel in a deisel engineit gives better mpg and is less poluting if i ever find the link again il post it it works great i think it uses the downpipe to heat a canister full of water and the vapor is fed to the injector with the fuel and is burnt that way ... was something like that .

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Guest TeamNissan

my last response was for wedge, sorry I should have quoted.


I'm pretty sure any hydrogen based gas that is burned gives off h2o as one of its byproducts.

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I got a couple articles about the thing i saw but they are all in french so you guys may not understand whats written .


EDIT : mostly it says its kinda of what and Aquamist does but by some other device it make brown gas . It says that the germans use it on their WW2 Messerschmitt .

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