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TR's 260z L28 Build Thread

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Updates! I found that I was still using the opto-isolator tach input/output circuit with EDIS, as originally suggested by B&G. MSExtra now recommends using the VR circuit, so I swapped to that. I haven't noticed a huge difference, but the placebo effect has me thinking it's running a bit smoother.


I'm still having trouble fully eliminating my light ping above 10psi, even with timing pulled back to 15* and running 11.9 afr. I'm worried about EGTs (which I'm not monitoring) if I pull any more timing. I'm starting to wish I'd spent the time on some headwork before reassembling the longblock. Maybe I'll look into installing my methanol kit until I'm ready to take the plunge into E85, but I hate to have to do that temporarily. I just don't know what else I can troubleshoot.


I do have a pretty constant miss at idle that I haven't been able to track down, but I can't see how that would have anything to do with my ping.

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I haven't done a test run yet, but I'm 99% sure I found the cause of my knock "issue". When I made my custom timing indicator I didn't have a good way to verify TDC, so I just eyeballed it based on the cam marks and never circled back. I bought a proper piston stop, and lo and behold I was set at 11* over-advanced :shock:. That'll do it.

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  • 2 months later...

Black Friday got me GOOD. I picked up MS3 Pro Mini, ProTunerZ 14mm fuel rail and manifold adapters, Deatschwerks 800cc injectors, Radium 10 micron stainless fuel filter, Aeromotive Stealth 340 in-tank retrofit kit, and all the bits to rebuild my soft lines with -8AN PTFE hose. E85 here I come!


Over the last two months I pulled my tank to clean and install the in-tank retrofit. I used 1/4" wood blocks to space down the tank for clearance, plus thin pieces of foam on the passengers side so the pump unit wasn't touching the body directly. I had to bend the fuel level sender arm to clear the giant foam baffle. I also replaced the expansion tank hoses to be E85 compatible, using 2 90* fittings to make the u-turn on the 5/8" vent.




Back of the car is done, and only had to rework one leaky hose-end! Now on to the front hoses, fuel rail and injectors. I'll tune with the 800cc injectors running 91 for awhile, then eventually rewire for MS3, add a flex fuel sensor, and start tuning for E85.

Edited by TrumpetRhapsody
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