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Got my wings today!


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Congrats! I decided to go get my unpowered plane license starting this year if I can swing it. I want to fly Sailplanes. It's much less expensive and I think it would be tons of fun.


Tell me this doesn't look fun!

About $2000 to a solo license.



This guy is nuts!

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Yeah, that guy IS nuts. Gimme power any day.


Congrats! I decided to go get my unpowered plane license starting this year if I can swing it. I want to fly Sailplanes. It's much less expensive and I think it would be tons of fun.


Tell me this doesn't look fun!

About $2000 to a solo license.



This guy is nuts!

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At first I thought I wanted to fly F-18's. Everybody is pretty much indoctrinated that you want to fly them during the first part of flight school. Then, after that, you still might or might not. For me I really didn't know what I wanted to fly the most during the second half or so of primary flight school. After I did my aerobatics block jets looked less like THE answer for me. Coming into the program I had a CFII and Multi-engine ratings, so I had a little bit of fixed wing experience. I finally decided that rotor wing was something I wanted to do partially due to the fact that I had never even been in a helicopter in my life. Seemed like fun.


So, rotors came my way and I couldn't have made a better choice. It's going to be great.


Doing the (ch)air force thing and flying fighters would definitely be cool as hell and I encourage you to try your damnedest for it! Some will say that Navy/Marine jet guys don't get as much combat maneuvering training as the air force because they have to train to do carrier recoveries. However, I think it makes them that much more amazingly skilled since they can do it...


wow!! congrats!!


were helo's/rotor your first choice?!



Im seriously considering the military this summer (ill finally have my degree) for officer training.. I want a F16/F22 slot. realllly bad

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Congratulations! Looks like I'll miss your party. I won't be in Pensacola until May 10th. Need to get my regular fix at the Naval Air Museum. Your post brings back fond memories of my own winging in Corpus Christi.

Bill Davis


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congrats, also bringing back my own memories. first wings were at ft rucker in alabama in 1986 as an army rotary wing aviator [i was an army reserve medevac pilot] then the 2nd time as a marine aviator, flew kc130's. loved pensacola and the seville quarter as well as time in corpus thereafter.


if i had to choose between fixed wing and helos i'd go with the latter. for someone like me [can't sit still] the helos offered up a place for both hands and feet that always needed to be occupied and doing something! fun, challenging and rewarding! nothing like noe [nap of the earth] flying in upstate ny-especially in the spring & fall.


you'll love the sikorsky, great helo platform!


remember, there are old and there are bold pilots but there are no old, bold pilots...[spoken to me as a young army warrant officer from an old chief warrant officer who would occasionally take me aside and pass his words of wisdom].

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