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i am not sure i get it, i mean i see the sign and I get they are in the wrong lane but are they in like J-pan or were they realy in the incorrect lane? Just can me slow. now that i look closer it look like that is a come "bike" road that bikers will cut corners on or apex the turn. looks like the othe people are just telling everyone they are in the wrong lane. Is that right?

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I love that road. Even through the two "getoffs" I had there, my bike and I stayed in the correct lane.


Go to http://killboy.blogspot.com or killboy's site, http://www.killboy.com to see more pictures like that. There are mostly just good shots of bikes and cars zooming through there, but they also are sure to take pictures of people crossing lanes, cars leaking oil, 18-wheelers trying to make it through The Dragon (Deal's Gap), etc.


I've come around that particular corner at ~50mph. Those people wouldn't have been able to move in time if I was there.

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That's a good picture, funny but serious at the same time.


I worry about that when I'm in my cage, and traveling some twisty roads around here.


There is one especially that's not all that twisty, but the bends and twists that is does have are pretty fun and even better if you could cut the corners, probably is that half the corners crest hills or are blind. So I always stay in my lane. I still worry about other drivers though.

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Check out www.tailofthedragon.com there are alot of pics there. I go there a week out of every year. Its not funny at all when youre on the other side of that. It has happend to me quite a few times. I will say that turn in the pic "gravity cavity" is hard to make. If youre going to fast or not on a sport bike. I broke a foot peg going the other direction last year on that turn/dip.

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