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T3/T4...got 1/2" spacer...how to lengthen studs?

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take 2 nuts put it on the stud and tighten them on to eachother. Then just get on the nut closest to the manifold and turn it out. Might have to heat it up. Also be soaking it in pb blaster before hand. Then run down to napa and get some studs that are 1/2inch longer than stock ones on the part that goes through the spacer.

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also keep in mind when removing them you don't need to save them, if they prove difficult you can use a small pipe wrench with a cheter pipe, worst case tak the manifold off and take ti to the machine shop they generally charge about $10 per bolt to drill and tap should you break one off

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also keep in mind when removing them you don't need to save them, if they prove difficult you can use a small pipe wrench with a cheter pipe, worst case tak the manifold off and take ti to the machine shop they generally charge about $10 per bolt to drill and tap should you break one off


That is the method I used (pipe wrench directly on the threads of the studs). Just be careful and try to ensure that the force you're applying is perpendicular as possible to the axis of the stud, to minimize the chances of shearing the stud.


I broke off only one stud in the manifold using this method. :?


I realize you're short on time, but you can also get an OBX T3 1/2" spacer off ebay if the machine shop doesn't come through: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/OBX-HYBRID-TURBO-MANIFOLD-INLET-WELD-FLANGE-T3-T3-T4_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33742QQihZ006QQitemZ160270036813QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW


Best of luck Calgary!!:icon14:

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Thanks for the suggestions guys.


Hugh, already have machine shop on the spacer...TonyD suggested two 1/8" NPT ports for EGT sensor and something else, so those are being drilled and tapped. Should pick them up this afternoon. The shop is going to remove the stud, hopefully they'll have if off this afternoon too. I was going to do it, but spending too much time on the road....unfortunately, not in my d*** Z car!!

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Wizard, still haven't got the head on....this weekend for that, then hopefully on the road next week. And there are so many new mods I'm not sure I'll be able to determine the effect of the new cam. But I suspect I'll be looking to upgrade the cam next year...this one was described as a mild turbo cam and I think I'll need something hotter.

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But I suspect I'll be looking to upgrade the cam next year...this one was described as a mild turbo cam and I think I'll need something hotter.


A 'mild' Isky Turbo Cam...




That's like saying 'Kind of a Virgin'...

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