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Marine Corps F18 crash in San Diego

David K

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Woah, I just went to look at a truck yesterday between 3pm and 6pm in the Clairmont/Miramar area!

I commented as we passed the Holiday-Inn Select on I-15 to take the 163 South "There are normally F18's flying over the freeway right here!"

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Just got a text back from the truck's seller, it missed his house. But landed less than 3 blocks from his ex-wife's house...(I remain mute on what else he said along that line...)


About 2 miles shy of the runway, more near Miramar than Clairmont.


Looks like nearby a railroad overcorssing, and I can't place that in my head right now...

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I don't think we have any overcrossings around here. We do have an undercrossing the next canyon north of 52 though. Too bad to hear about those dead. However, you put enough suburban development near a airfield and these things happen.


Why couldn't it have hit city hall? Perhaps in Sanders' office? Or maybe broken into pieces up high and hit those responsible for our pension situation...

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sounds like the pilot was trying to direct the plane into a nearby valley before he punched out. Although, if it was in a flat spin, like some witnesses said, there probably wouldnt' have been much he could do. Hope no one was hurt in the crash.
Four people died. A Korean mans wife, 2 kids, and his mother (in law?).
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Four dead on the ground.

A Korean Immigrant family. The father was away at work, the mother, infant, a 2yr old, and the mother-in-law (grandma) were in the house at the time and were killed in the incident. The mother-in-law had arrived in the USA only last week to help tend to the care of the infant and mother, as is common in Asian Cultures.


In an incredibly magnamious gesture, the Father asked everyone pray for the pilot and that he didn't blame him. he said the pilot is one of "our national treasures" and was confident he did everything he could to direct the plane somewhere safe. He said that the pilot was not to blame, and that he wishes him well and hopes he gets through the incident well.


That is truly someone who I would be proud to welcome to America, just from his words alone. To refer to a servicemember as a 'national treasure' goes towards the upbringing he had in his home country, and their precarious war footing day in and day out.


I feel for both parties who survived the incident, they both are going through a personal hell I would never wish on anyone.


When my son saw the late news report on the incident, he said "that motorhome looks just like the one we passed Sunday when we went to look at that truck down in San..." and stopped in mid sentence when he realized it was the motorhome we passed... He was silent for some time watching it and soaking in what 24 hours means to living or dying.

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I looked at my kids last night and thought about the man who lost his whole family. It really bothers me, i cant imagine leaving in the morning and never seeing my kids again. From reading about the pilots composure when assisted, i can say i believe the pilot did everything in his power to attempt to avoid what happened. The whole incident is horrible.

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