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  ozconnection said:
Mate, if you want to live long time, don't put engine parts on creme carpet! :idea:

I agree.


Pistons are cheap, I wouldn't go with used ones unless that block was already honed/bored for them. Also, there looks to be a big gash in the deck surface in the picture of your block...

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block should be resurfaced... had looks really clean... so far so good... and what's with that notch on the piston crown? is that supposed to be there on? for what reason?


As for the creme carpet colour. I think the reason you may not live long is because grease stains look like doodie, and if your wife thinks you dragged a piece of doodie into the house or decided to let one lose on the carpet, you'll never see the carpet again.


or more importantly, the house (whether the deed is in your name or not!). or the light of day... which ever one she can make disappear first.

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  Careless said:
block should be resurfaced... had looks really clean... so far so good... and what's with that notch on the piston crown? is that supposed to be there on? for what reason?


As for the creme carpet colour. I think the reason you may not live long is because grease stains look like doodie, and if your wife thinks you dragged a piece of doodie into the house or decided to let one lose on the carpet, you'll never see the carpet again.


or more importantly, the house (whether the deed is in your name or not!). or the light of day... which ever one she can make disappear first.

Notch marks the front so you don't put them in backwards. :P However you are running an RB aren't you... haha

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  Careless said:
block should be resurfaced... had looks really clean... so far so good... and what's with that notch on the piston crown? is that supposed to be there on? for what reason?


As for the creme carpet colour. I think the reason you may not live long is because grease stains look like doodie, and if your wife thinks you dragged a piece of doodie into the house or decided to let one lose on the carpet, you'll never see the carpet again.


or more importantly, the house (whether the deed is in your name or not!). or the light of day... which ever one she can make disappear first.



that notch is in all the pistons, maybe the direction that the piston goes because they were all facing forward

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You need to measure the clearance on the ring lands to determine of the pistons are serviceable. There is no way we can tell from the pictures if the pistons are good.


And as far as the carpet... carpet holds all sorts of dirt. dirt at the microscopic level is a bunch of broken up rock, and organic material. this fine abrasive material can muck up the works of any engine.


Get the service manual, and look up the spec for ring land clearance, and go measure. The measurement will tell you if you want to use those pistons.

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  josh817 said:
Notch marks the front so you don't put them in backwards. :P However you are running an RB aren't you... haha


So it's a piston offset indication mark then.


my RB pistons that I sold had the mark on the top of the piston as a slight dimple. I just found it weird how the L pistons have a notch cut out of the crown so sharply, rather than a deep scribe mark.


it looks like 4 hard edges near a hotter part of the piston, so it worried me.

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You should be able to use those pistons, just you'll need to be certain the ring clearace in the lands, if it's too wide then the ring will leak and you'll get smoke/bad compression. You've spent the money cleaning the engine up, you should probably just replace the pistons.


While it's all apart like this, if you're thinking of turbo'ing the engine, then you should drop the $ and put in the forged rods and pistons. You'll then be able to run a little higher boost and vroom.



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  Pharaohabq said:
You should be able to use those pistons, just you'll need to be certain the ring clearace in the lands, if it's too wide then the ring will leak and you'll get smoke/bad compression. You've spent the money cleaning the engine up, you should probably just replace the pistons.


While it's all apart like this, if you're thinking of turbo'ing the engine, then you should drop the $ and put in the forged rods and pistons. You'll then be able to run a little higher boost and vroom.





thanks for the info, but I am just only using this car for sometime. not looking for lots of power. this car will be my daily and maybe in the near future i was to go V8 swap. i just want the engine to hold one for sometime.

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