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Josh and the horrible, no good, very bad Jeco clock.


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So I found a write up on classicz about how to get your non Jeco clock ticking. Unfortunately, I have a Jeco, so I decided to do everyone a favor and make a write up on how to at least take apart the clock and oil it, check to make sure everything is good, and hopefully it will tick.


Tools needed:

-Needle nose pliers

-5.5mm wrench or socket

-small Philips head screwdriver


So here we have the Jeco clock. Mine was ticking, however it would stop randomly until you tapped on it and it would start, then stop again. I figured it just needed some cleaning and lube. Everything likes lube right?



Alright so to get it open you must undo the two screws on the side which hold the case and the back plate onto the housing. The 3 nuts on the casing itself hold the clock guts inside. You will need the 5.5mm socket/wrench for this.



Ok so when you get it open it looks like this. A bunch of gears, how surprising and fantastically exciting! No, not really.



Alright so, 12v is the blue wire which goes into the motor, then when it comes out it goes to a 700ohm resistor which then leads to ground. Ground is connected to the post, which makes contact with the case when the guts are bolted in. The black wire leads to this post, so really you have 2 grounds, the case and the wire. Unlike British cars, we have good grounds with backups just in case one goes bad. :icon14: Anyway, what we will do is take the motor out of the gear mesh because we want to see if the motor is even spinning. If it isn't, well you screwed pal I don't know what to tell you. If it is, like mine spun up really fast, then you need to clean and oil all the other gears. Take the motor out by unscrewing that screw:



On the other side of the motor, the post is holding it down. Don't pry the motor up. I mean look at it. The plastic is all yellow, knowing your luck it will probably break and then you're screwed pal. I'm pointing at the post with the screw driver, notice it has two flat sides on it:



Now I don't know what size wrench you need to unsrew the post, so I just used some needle nose pliers to gently break it loose. Grip onto its flats, don't be stupid. Here it is when its out:



Alright so now we can lift the motor up. It will stay there because you are really just bending the wires/connections. With that said, don't be an idiot and move it every which way a lot, it will probably break loose knowing your luck. Then you're screwed pal. Not really, but it sounds good doesn't it?



Ok so now connect your 12v and your ground. If it spins up, great, if not, you're screwed pal. So, for all those who had theirs spin, get your lube ready, we're goin' in. What lube? Don't ask me, I'm sure everyone has their own opinion. It needs to be thin, not thick, and don't apply too much. All of those things will cause the gears to stick and they will stick easily.



Here I am lubing up the clock.



Ok so if you did what I did, you set the clock on its face. Sure, you were being gentle with it and not applying too much pressure but knowing you're luck, you probably screwed it up. What I mean is, the hour and minute hands bend easily and with mine they kept colliding with each other and jammed up. Before you put the damn thing back together though, go ahead and put the motor back in and connect 12v to see if it ticks. If it does HURRAH! So now you're probably asking me, well how did yours turn out Josh?


Well if you proceeded to be a smart ass and you put the whole thing back together without testing it only to found out that it still had the same symptoms. Go ahead and take it back apart, try to trouble shoot for a couple hours. If its just not your lucky day, which it isn't, put it back together and do me a favor:



DESTROY IT! in a happy way**


So if you made it down this far, enjoy the rest of your night. I think I'm going to go get fat off some pastries and play a game. Maybe watch some Dirty Jobs. I will not be trying to resuscitate my poor clock anymore. You try your hardest and put time into it, but the Jeco Clock is an ingrate. I do not tolerate this.

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I don't get it.

once you start racing a clock, you start taking your driving personally, when you do that, that can start to actually feel the car and what its doing. You can start feeling when the car is struggling and when its happy. The car fully becomes an extension of the driver and you start treating the car like another person. once you get comfortable with your car being an extension of yourself you can then push each others boundaries farther out until you hit a euphoric limit, which you will then look back at the past and look at the present and come to reality..

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I need to fix my clock. it was working GREAT for several months, but now it sticks in certian places on the minute side. I think the recent cool weather caused whatever grease that's in it to start gumming up and it probably has crud on some of the gears.


though i don't have a Jeco clock. i've got the stock 78's clock.

kept perfect time for so long and one day i looked and it was stupid slow/not ticking much

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I've got a Jeco in my 260. It didn't work when I got the car over a year ago and it doesn't work now. However, it does manage to work its way ahead by one minute every couple months. :D



Agreed, in the 18 or so months I've used my 240 as my DD I think it's advanced itself a full 4-5 hours.

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