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Rb oil pan mods


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Im not too familiar with the RBs so you say your pan old 7.5 gallons of oil. So what would be the reason for wanted that much more oil. Excuse my ignorance but I been a VG man all this time and no one ever discuss doing anything to the pan or increasing the oil capacity in those.



Any engine uses both engine coolant and engine oil to cool the engine so if you can have more oil available the cooler the engine will run. It acts as a oil cooler. And I wanted to have more oil in the pan so I would not run in to any oil starvation problems. Let say at any time there is 2-3 qt of oil in the engine so that means there in still 4-5 qts of oil in the pan. Thats alot of oil still in the pan and that means that there is less chance of oil starvation when braking and high g turns or just giving it hell. I have been giving my engine hell with no oil psi problems.

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Well your pan looks good. Not too much off that 1100 dollar pan I seen some where on here. Well if you can think you can make a pickup that works that will be great if not I will just start on selling this pan and pickup. On either pan I will need an extended oil pick up on yours look like it will be easier.

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I got the original which looks like a RB26 pick up then I have the one that came with the 200zr pan. The 200zr pick up looks easier to modify since it is facing the right direction and is the right size to fit my pan. With the other one I would have to make the hole bigger on the ZR pan.

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ah, sorry guys, was waiting on an automated response to let me know that people had replied, didnt get one, whoops :P


i will try to get some pics. its not that pretty but it does work


one other thing you will have to look at is the dipstick - if you remove the bump from the front of the sump, the stick won't clear all the way down. theres a blank further towards the back of the block that can be turned into a new dipstick hole, or you can cut your dipstick down.


it more be more useful if i'd snapped a pic of the windage tray as thats where a lot more modification had to be made (too late now). just make sure the fins clear the rotating assembly!


and yeah im on zclub.org.nz, pretty sure i'm gibbon over there too :P

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Forgive me if I'm wrong but its been a while since id was in this stage of my mod but if you have the rb26 pickup, wouldn't all you need to do is build the pan around it??


That what I was thinking if I was to get a custom pan, but I got this 200zr pan now. So I will either sell it or get something to work with it. I do not want to drill any holes in the side of the block or cut up the ZR pan to get them to work. I would rather sell it and get a custom pan if I had to do all that. Im lazy I rather take the shortest route possible. lol

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I'm in the middle of making a pan for RKlamb123. I'll post some pics later


Hey I made the template I will scan it and send it to you tomorrow. I forgot to bring it today. I need to locate my original Oil pickup I am hoping I did not put it in the box with the RB20 pan. Lol.


Hey if you look at the bottom of your block the pickup on an awd engine is about 4 1/2 to the left of yours or for better picture it lines up with the bolts on the crank cage looking at the bottom of the engine. Both mine and yours line up with those bolts. So if the pan a some depth and a budge coming off of that location I will send a pic to give you a better idea

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here are some pics of my progress with your pan. It's coming out awesome. I have to say this is going to be alot better than than the one I made for myself. check it out



Ignore the the pick up.It's the unmodified rb20 pick up.







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Yeah I see it looking good. The location of the awd pickup is actually right below the motor mount if you look at the link I pasted earlier. so the stock pickup will need about 4-5 inches added. How much oil do you think this pan will hold. I was reading up on the RB20 pan and most say it did not provide enough oil. I just want to say ahead of time I appreciate your work and thank you for your efforts.


Also I am putting it in a 300zx Z32. So thats what I am working with. The 200zr pan would have been perfect if I did not have a awd block.

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