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Disguised weapons (some foul language)


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This was posted on some other boards I am on a while ago. I really got a good laugh out of it. We were discussing which one you chose. I want the sprite box first then the cup guns. Wouldn't mind tissues though, all that flashing from the bullets sure would be nice if I sneezed to have tissue. Of course I will take a spoon knife, its like having a multi-tool!

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This was posted on some other boards I am on a while ago. I really got a good laugh out of it. We were discussing which one you chose. I want the sprite box first then the cup guns. Wouldn't mind tissues though, all that flashing from the bullets sure would be nice if I sneezed to have tissue. Of course I will take a spoon knife, its like having a multi-tool!


Definitely the cup gun. I believe Mel Gibson did that in a movie once, it worked pretty well for him I think. That was rhetorical, of course it did, it's freaking Mel Gibson. I think the movie was called Give Me Back My Family :P

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