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So i changed the Points today, and now she's a no start..... ooops? Can some one send me a picture of there distributor with the cap and rotor off please????


One of the wires broke off, i re soldered it to where i thought was the right place.. Or my Gap is now wrong.. Please help.


My email is: nig_nog23@hotmail.com


send a few pictures if you can,



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What do you mean you converted all your cars? meaning you have different engines or you did something to the distributor? I am needing to replace my points as well so i am very interested in this thread as well XD


He means he converted his points system to electric distributors, Search E12-80 or distributor swap that should give you a start.

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Leon got it...

I put Petronix in my Euro Distributor, as well as another (Luminition) in the DLP REcurved unit.


I only have the E12-80 in cars that came with it...but have been doing Pertronix, Luminition, etc conversions for decades.


What a pointless discussion... :huh:

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