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I'm torn again, I've gone gun crazy


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Josh, all your posts and additional explanations only clarify the need for attitude adjustment and training, rather than your intended goal of proving that your need is legitimate. You envision CCW as a magical empowerment that will suddenly allow you to talk back to the smack-talkers, stand up for the weak, and not back down from confrontations, because you envision yourself as always walking around with the ultimate answer (shooting somebody). Your demonstrated attitude is guaranteed to fulfill your wishes - you will end up shooting someone, probably unjustified. With your current skills and judgment, you'll also probably end up shooting some innocent bystanders at the same time. That will leave you with few opportunities to work on your Z, which would be tragic.


Bloz Up is right on. Carrying concealed means you need to be even MORE reserved than the average citizen. The best way to win a fight is not just to back down, but to avoid the initial conflict in the first place. Josh, most of the situations you describe to support your need to carry are totally avoidable, and even if not avoidable, certainly the proper attitude and awareness will not lead to you being forced to "eat asphalt."


This is not a personal attack. We all start young. You still are, but you're asking questions and growing. Don't read these comments and decide all these folks just chimed in to hate on you. There's lots of good advice here, some hating, but mostly genuine concern expressed because your comments show pretty clearly that you are not quite yet ready for the responsibility of concealed carry. That's not a permanent condemnation, it's just a reflection of where you're at right now. If this is something you really need to pursue, you need to do a lot of learning and a little growing.


You can evaluate your growth on your own - you will remain unready if you get defensive, and keep reading and dreaming about standing up to the bad guys. You will be growing if, six months from now, you've been to the range at least 10 times, you have local people you're talking to about gun handling and concealed carry, and you're realizing that carrying concealed sounds like a huge legal and psychological burden instead of Steel Manhood.


Good luck,


Edited by Doc Hawk
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David I get what you're saying. I was hoping with the statement "I've honesty never been in a fight before" kind of concluded that I'm a pretty chill dude and let most everything slide under the impression that tomorrow is a new day. Once again, I understand the difference between a scuffle and a life threatening situation.


Is 9mm a government issued round now? Nick, we should go shooting sometime. If I can talk my dad into letting me bring his 1911 along and then maybe you bring whatever you have so we don't have to rent. I think my only beef with Glock's and some of the Springfield's is that they're hammer-less. Not really a fan of that. My brother in law's Springfield and that XD45 was hammer-less. Must be a compact thing? Are Glock's double action? I feel like I've heard that from somewhere.

Edited by josh817
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David I get what you're saying. I was hoping with the statement "I've honesty never been in a fight before" kind of concluded that I'm a pretty chill dude and let most everything slide under the impression that tomorrow is a new day. Once again, I understand the difference between a scuffle and a life threatening situation.


First off Doc is right on...and really you need to do more shutting up and listening instead of trying to provide your uneducated opinion (which you have said you dont know the laws, etc) and take advice instead of argueing. Also sounds like you need to learn how to DEFEND yourself (in a fight) so you dont get your ass kicked. That whole some guys beating me up or starts to walk up to me to fight, putting a hand behind your back claiming you have a gun is about the most idiotic thing you can do. I can promise you being a rookie and pulling some dumb **** like that will get you killed. If i had an issue with you and you pulled that you better believe i would pull and shoot you where you stood, i know i could pull from my side faster and promise i am a hell of alot more accurate. You sound like every other pansy that wants to get a gun liscence that cant defend themself and will either end up dead or in jail. Because that corner worker is a freaking idiot...its not peoples opinion/interpretation of the law it is a simple "did the other guy have a gun" and when you say no and the jury is told the law, where if you just pulled a gun on him, shot him, etc before he even started wailing on you or while he was youre going to jail.


And the fact that you are "ok" with breaking the law and "so be it" then i will be glad another idiot is behind bars because he cant function in society. You need to first learn how to walk away, learn how to fight to where you get him down...then walk/run away, or just keep your mouth shut and stay inside. You should not carry a gun, you dont know what youre talking about, dont have the right attitude, etc i really could go on but i feel like the horse is beat, you just keep digging yourself deeper with the way you talk/things you say.


Is 9mm a government issued round now? Nick, we should go shooting sometime. If I can talk my dad into letting me bring his 1911 along and then maybe you bring whatever you have so we don't have to rent. I think my only beef with Glock's and some of the Springfield's is that they're hammer-less. Not really a fan of that. My brother in law's Springfield and that XD45 was hammer-less. Must be a compact thing? Are Glock's double action? I feel like I've heard that from somewhere.


Why the hell do you want a hammer? Please explain that one....and dont borrow a 1911 because you wont be carrying it. Go rent or use a friends smaller frame gun. Like others have said, a 1911 will be more accurate/precise (i use one for competitions) but they are heavy and big and not an everyday concealed weapon.


And to go along with your "id rather be in jail..." comment, are you serious? You would rather ruin your life, kill someone else, etc etc rather than getting a simple ass whooping? ok so you might get a broken nose, black eye(s), dislocated jaw, lose a tooth/teeth.... i mean really im going wayyyy out on a limb on those but you would rather go to jail for yeaaarrrs, have a felony on your record (if/when you do get out), and probably never be anything again and have a wasted life, over getting your ass handed to you once? WOW greatttt decision making skills, please like i said dont even look into owning a gun or thinking about carrying/getting a chl untill you either get a different brain or learn how to use the one you have.

Edited by sticky280zx
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I think you should shoot as many handguns as you can, especially if you can borrow it for free. The more palm time you have the better you will be able to select a handgun that you like for whatever (CCW or not).


But, meh, this thread's going downhill fast. I suppose I'll help out:


"I think we should get some Four Loko and have a party before we go to the range, though."

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Haha Nick you still need that gas tank lol, but seriously wait a year then see where you are mentally, have shot alot of guns/might own one that could be carried, and then you will be old enough to actually think about getting a liscense.


Others just say it better/less blatantly than me but you really dont need to carry a gun, as much as i hate the attitude you have right now and people that have the same concept/thoughts about having a chl...i wouldnt want you to deal with anything ive said, jail, killing someone, someone killing you, etc just because your another human being and i wouldnt want you to be put in that spot. But carrying a gun is a huge liability not only to everyone around you (bad guy, little girl you didnt mean to hit, old ladies dog you killed,etc eith stray shots, or you if someone took your own gun and used it on you, your girlfriend etc to leave "no witnesses").

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Lol sticky I'm not going to be all hush hush, modest, or act like its a taboo. Perhaps you explain why you got your license instead of being like "I hate all these people that get their licenses because it makes them feel safer". Ironic to say the least. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion though. At least we don't hate each other. :D Or do we. <_<


Lol once again Sticky, do twisted my words to fit your frame of thought. I think we would all rather be in jail than dead, unless Buffalo Bill was in the cell with you. You're getting yourself all bent out of shape over something you perhaps misread or maybe blatantly altered so you could provide a point of argument. With that said it seems like either A: you didn't read anything else I posted or B: you read what I posted but you're in such a tizzy that you didn't really think "oh wait he's not the type to go blazing into a gun fight". But that's ok.


Yah, I could stop the long posts and quit "arguing" but once again LOL due to the fact that this thread wasn't about whether I should have a CHL and all of us have been reminded about that more than once yet it still continues. I'm not ignoring your posts but I truly am reading and moving on (don't get confused into thinking that I'm like "what he says doesn't matter) so we can get back to proper discussion. Both of us could agree this is an endless loop of "you're a retard" "no I'm not" "you don't need it" "I feel like I do" thing. No wonder gun laws are always so... "complicated"



As for the 1911, I'll bring it anyway, thanks though. Once again, I'll bring it, you'll scream but do you even know if I plan on using it as a carry or maybe I just want to shoot it for fun? We're aware that they make smaller version of the gun right? Chill. I don't like hammer-less guns, sorry that offends you dude. What's my reason? **** I don't know I just don't like them, sorry bro. If I'm good with a gun that doesn't have a hammer then fine.



And Nick, you're all popular now! I need you to weld two linkage post things onto a manifold of mine. I got an old turbo manifold, cut off the rod support things that the throttle shaft rotates within. I don't know if the manifold I have is aluminum or magnesium though. :unsure: Tell me how much you want for something like that. Probably like 6 inches of weld at most. Should take more time to line the things up than weld them. I'll get pictures.

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"I think we would all rather be in jail than dead, unless Buffalo Bill was in the cell with you."


I think you overstate your case far too much. The effort it takes to kill someone with your bare hands is enormous. Chances are whatever beating you take, it will NOT kill you. Not even close. The human body is an amazing thing when it comes to being able to survive abuse. Want an example...go find a kitten, not even a full grown cat, a stick with a 'y' in it, and a river. Now, try to hold that little kittens head under the water until it's dead only using that stick.


See who give up first.


Now, make that 1# kitty, and multiply by what? 130X the weight and see how easy it is to simply 'kill' it with brute force.


As for Biuffalo Bill in the cell with you...you have no clue. My suggestion for you, Josh, is to learn to wet-fart on command because that is about the only consolation you will have when you learn the vagaries of incarceration.


Then again, Buffalo-Bill Boffing you Behind-wise is better than being dead I guess. Except you only die once. 5 to 7 years, 365 days a year (or even three times a week if he's average and satiated by you somewhat...) is still a lot of 'death' I'd rather avoid, personally.


Who knows, maybe you like that idea. Opens up the dating prospects by 100% when you get back on the outside! :blink:

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<_< Yah or he could just carve you and wear you like a jump suit. Buffalo-Bill is probably the most popular dude in prison.


I always thought he had a cool idea with the skin suit. I don't know if you've ever seen those shoes that have the individual toes and they're thin like slippers. Buffalo-Bill had that idea first. Just cut their feet off, hollow them out, wear them.


Oh and to clarify again, if someone was attacking you with something that will obviously kill you... like not their bare hands. Even someone apparently as idiotic and crazy as myself couldn't shoot another person if they weren't coming at me with an object that would definitely screw me up.

Edited by josh817
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Lol sticky I'm not going to be all hush hush, modest, or act like its a taboo. Perhaps you explain why you got your license instead of being like "I hate all these people that get their licenses because it makes them feel safer". Ironic to say the least.


reread what i said boyscout, and learn how to quote.


As for the 1911, I'll bring it anyway, thanks though. Once again, I'll bring it, you'll scream but do you even know if I plan on using it as a carry or maybe I just want to shoot it for fun?


like others have said you wont carry a full size 1911 daily because its too big, isnt very concealed, and it sounds like youre a little girl and would complain about your heavy purse..erm gun


We're aware that they make smaller version of the gun right?

yes but youve stated that you want a full size and that small guns dont fit your hand



Chill. I don't like hammer-less guns, sorry that offends you dude. What's my reason? **** I don't know I just don't like them, sorry bro. If I'm good with a gun that doesn't have a hammer then fine


way to contradict yourself there bud


To clear it up a littl, i dont like whiners that cant defend themselves in a fair hand to hand fight, that feel that carrying a gun will save them from that situation by reaching behind their back and saying some stupid line which would make me think they have a gun because i will drop them, whether or not they have a gun, oh well they said they did and reached for something...think of what a cop would do and when he would be justified, its about the same. Also im not a fan of anyone that thinks carrying a gun is for everyday self defense....people carry for years and most never even use the weapon. The point is you have it if you absolutely have to but 99% of the time you wont need it or be justified to use it. And lastly i dont want some punk kid that cant shoot carrying a gun because i dont the chance of myself, my family, or anyone else for that matter getting hit by said dipshits stray bullets, justified or not.


and since this thread is crap...please try this gun out at the range... its even got a fancy hammer


Edited by sticky280zx
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Looks like I shouldn't have said "At least we don't hate each other. :D Or do we. <_< " I'm not even going to respond.


So I need to know some brands I suppose. I always looked at Taurus to be pretty affordable but I don't know about their quality?


I also located some old pictures from 3 hard drives ago. I had a little chuckle when I saw this, since we're talking about guns'n'such.


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Also my weapon of choice, I shall win over the robber/murderer/mugger/whatever's heart with a small dog and shooting sounds.




But in all seriousness, I think it depends on the area you live in if you need a gun or not. Where I live the neighborhoods are alright a lot of druggies and homeless, but I keep a Baseball bat within reach in the garage for when I am working on the car late at night Besides if someone felt the need to pull a gun on me over something like a car or money I would rather give it to them then have the chance that I would get shot trying to shoot them or trying to resist. A car or money isn't worth my life but thats just my opinion and I respect that some may feel differently.

Edited by 19752802+2
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It would be unfortunate if this thread was shed'd just because two people feel strongly about their positions.


Moms always give good advice. My moms words to me were moms know everything. I believe her sometimes.



Any news about Taurus?

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no name calling here oh "troll" people's just in for the lulz which is what i do in almost every thread he makes, its just funny.


Taurus, Sig sauger, etc are cheaper models, hell just take the "shoot as many as you can" advice and see what fits. I have carried a few S&W's, a Sig, glocks, etc depends on my mood, what clothing im wearing, and where i am going as to capacity...allthough i dont know many people that actually would need more than a few shots if put in a bad situation, which is why i like carrying my hammerless .38 i can put it in my pocket and noone really know its there.


Nothing wrong with "cheaper" guns really just make sure to read reviews as some production runs are cut short or stopped because of defects,frequent misfiring, etc

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Trying to have a good time man, that's half the fun of all this Z stuff I find myself doing. I'll have to read up after trying out some and I guess drop the questionable ones from there. I use to read gun reviews all the time but there was just too many "this is great!" and then "this sucks!", like 50/50. Or I'd read/watch a review and some people who are really into guns will poopoo a firearm because of very minor things. I remember looking at a WASR AK47 and people complained about the magazine slap and I'm just like.... *glares* its a $400 AK47, it still fires fines, what does it matter.


Oh well.

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im saying read the reviews for defects/misfires, guns being "great" or "sucking" is normally depending on the user preferences, look for the facts not opinions. Hence why so many people carry different guns and mostly is because of the size/weight which will obviously affect their aim/spread if they arent used to it/used to something else.

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