Started having this problem last night. My battery died, so I put another fully charged one in it. It ran fine for about five minutes, then the car died. Checked and the battery was dead again. So I assumed the alternator wasn't putting out voltage, changed the alternator, and jumped the battery to start it.
However, after that, if I ran the headlights, the car would sputter and die. This morning, I had to jump it to start, didn't even turn on the headlights and the car drove for a couple of minutes, the voltage gauge started dipping, car lost all power, began backfiring through the intake, and died completely.
This is in my '78 by the way. All stock engine wise except for a wire tuck and battery relocation.
Any suggestions? This is my dd, I'm stranded on the way to work and I have no clue.
Also, the charge light on my voltage gauge is on. From what I've read, it means there's a problem with my charging system somewhere but I haven't had any problems until now.
Also, the alternator I switched it out to last night is off an '82 zx L28. I thought they were the same internally regulated as the '78, but I could be wrong.