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Everything posted by jimzdat

  1. Well, Bob; normally I would agree with you, the search is a very useful tool, but you may want to take a look at this thread: Search Broken The thread was started almost 2 weeks ago, and as of a couple days ago the search was still not functioning. Might want to go a little easy on the guy instead of becoming the (self-proclaimed) ass about it
  2. Not that I've found yet, that can be done with the limited CGI ability on the Earthlink server. They only allow certain scripts to be run on the personal websites (which the list is located on)--essentially, the submission form is a standard "guestbook" script, with a simple "mailto" command to send me the info. I could have just used an "appendto" script, but then there wouldn't be the state-by-state layout on the list
  3. I'm looking into a javascript password control for the site--if I do that, the info will be posted here for people to use, but that should still keep undesirables from just accessing the site and snaggine email addresses No problem--just resubmit your info with the changes, and make sure you put in the comments section that it is an update, and I can get it done
  4. It's a 850 MW power plant--cogen, 3 on 1 configuration using GE 7FA combustion turbines. Here's a link to the factsheet they put out: Waterford Project factsheet (PDF)
  5. Well heck, guess I should be able to do pretty well then--they are offering me $29.80/hr to start, and since the plant is still in construction there should be plenty of overtime. I gotta drive up there on the 12th of this month for an interview and pre-employment testing--hopefully all goes well, sounds like a nice place from all I've heard so far
  6. OK, guys--try to bump this up every so often--so far we have 15 people on the list, which means that 0.0053210358283079106065980844271018 of the total membership is on the list--we should be able to do better than that!
  7. Looking for anyone who lives in Ohio--in particular the southeast area (Marietta)--I have a job prospect up there, and just want to know more about the area. Cost of living, weather averages, etc--all the kind of stuff you'd wanna know before moving to a new place. I realize that Marietta is kinda in the middle of nowhere, but when they are talking an extra 18K/year, it just may be worth it
  8. No problem--as long as all 2800 of you don't send me info at once I figured it was a good idea, and since I've got the webspace for it, what the heck. Would be nice to have it linked from the main site--guess I should email SuperDan, just in case he hasn't read this thread yet
  9. just below where you type in your topic, you'll see buttons for "image" "url" etc--click on the image button and it'll ask you for the URL of the photot--the photo must be online somewhere, not on your PC. If you are trying to put up your personal pics, but don't have anywhere to host them online, send them to me via email and I will host them for you and send you the links to the pics Jim
  10. In order to post a pic on the forum, it has to be hosted out on the net somewhere--not on your local computer. If you don't have the webspace to host it, send the pic to me via email, and I'll host it for you and send you the link to it Jim jimzdat@earthlink.net
  11. Patience, Tim--I have limited CGI use on the server, so when you submit the info it just emails it to me and I go in and manually update the page I could make it just append the page, but then it would just put the info at he top of the page, and it wouldn't be sorted by state
  12. OK--latest question about the list posed by Cruez): Should the list be password protected to keep spammers and other undesirables from accessing the info? We would have to get SuperDan to put the access info up on this site somewhere for people to use, but I don't think that would be much of a problem
  13. Jamie--your info never got to me--try and resubmit it. I checked the page and it's still working right, so I don't know why it didn't go thru
  14. OK, Canada is now added in If I screwed up any province names or abbreviations, let me know--I'm working with a list I found online, so I don't know if it's 100% correct
  15. Thanks--I'd totally forgotten about Canada (sorry to everyone that lives up there) I'll get it added in shortly
  16. I've got the 76 FSM--do you know if there is any difference? I can get it scanned in tomorrow morning, and post it for you
  17. OK, I now have a page setup for everyone to see the list, along with a page to submit your info to be put on the site: Helpers page Helper submission form
  18. bump--this could be a nice resource, let's get some comments from everyone on it
  19. I could set up a simple "guestbook" style form for people to input the info they want posted, and then update the HTML as needed--I've got room to host it if Dan doesn't--it's a simple solution, but it'll work for something like that Maybe we should start a poll to see if there's enought interest? OK, I threw a quick form together--how about this: HybridZ helpers
  20. The C6 is typically found behind the big motors, but was also put behind a bunch of the Windsor motors (289/302/351)--I have a C6 in my 83 F350 with a 351W in it
  21. No problem, guys--anytime I'm nowhere near good enough to write a manual, this just all comes from the fact that I've owned 4 Zs over the last 12 years, and not a 1 of them ran when I got it--lots of learning curve keeping them on the road. And since my project car is in approximately 1,875,475,789 pieces, it's easy to get pics of some items when people need them
  22. Here's pics to help out: Hope this helps, if not, drop me another email and I'll do what I can
  23. Do the tubes go into a round doohickey with about 7 connections on it? If so, then yep--that's the one I'm talking about I'll get some pics tomorrow, and point out what I was talking about if that'll help at all
  24. All those hoses do serve functions--if al you want is heat and defog, then you can get rid of them as long as you bypass the vacuum operated water valve (I used a few inches of copper pipe and an elbow to replace mine with) The heat/defog flap is at the very bottom of the heater box--cable operated (I believe it's on the driver's side), with a little linkage inside to open/close the other side If you need em, I can take pics of my heater unit, since it's out of the car and sitting there still completely assembled Jim
  25. But easy to explain--if he lives in the Memphis area (especially the south side) If you drive south out of Memphis on I-55, it takes about 15-20 minutes to get into Mississippi Not that it's a good thing (need your shots, etc before going there ), but it can be done
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