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Everything posted by thehelix112

  1. Dammit Paul, making us all be considerate and open-minded. Whats wrong with you. I'm not going to write a novel, as that would probably be difficult to read. Just very broad statements follow: thez, Differentials fall into three categories: 1. Open 2. Limited slip 3. Locked You can make an open diff locked by welding it, which is very cheap. You don't weld a limited slip or locked diff as they are already driving both wheels. Chances are you have an open diff at the moment. You can weld your existing diff to make it locked. If you want a LSD diff, some Subaru diffs will work, but you'd need to do more research on which precise one. Research means search. I hope my English was understandable. If not, private message me and I'll try to clarify. Dave
  2. Holy thread resurrection batman! Think the chances are slim-to-none, but good luck. Dave
  3. You can buy cutting compound for $nothing. Dave
  4. Thanks Jon. I'll post progress when I get to it. Dave
  5. So on this, http://mdmetric.com/prod/widell/LH.tap.die.htm has the M14x1.5 LH tap for USD18.22. And I already have the RH tap. So here is my plan: 3/4" steel hex bar from midwest control with 1/2" thread. Drill tap one end to metric, drill and tap other end out to 5/8, bolt on QA1 high mis-alignment rod ends, done. I'm a little concerned about wall thickness being reduced. Although, its steel instead of alu that SPL use, and the wall thickness will still be 0.125" (>3mm). That would seem to be strong enough to me? Thoughts? The reason I wanna do it this way is the already drilled/tapped hex bar will mean the new drill/tap is perfectly straight, as I don't have a lathe; and I already have most of the tools needed. Dave
  6. Hey, Just wanted to have a whinge, and highly recommend anyone trying to get their rear suspension spindles out get the spindle puller, or, if you're impatient and just cut the spindle to get the struts out (as I did), find someone with a big fuckoff press. It took 8 tonnes to get my right rear spindle to move. 8 tonnes! No wonder I couldn't do it with a hammer and a bolt. Dave
  7. Driving impressions Cameron? Clearance Potenzas were 245 yes? 9.5 on all 4? Dave
  8. Thats a damn nice looking car. Jealous. Dave
  9. Surprised noone linked this sooner. http://www.zolfe.com/Zolfe2web.wmv Edit: OK not that surprised, most boring video of all time. Dave
  10. I think: Less rolling moment (weight transfer?) due to shorter distance between RC and CoG. This will mean you can run lighter sway bars, which will let you get back some of the independent function of the rear wheels. Meaning that perhaps you can get on the gas earlier after hitting a ripple strip exitting a corner? Disclaimer: 2 seconds worth of thought, and I suck. Dave
  11. Greg: Have you been here? http://www.atiracing.com/products/dampers/charts/damnissan.htm Lots of options it seems. Dave
  12. I think ill-handling might be a relative term. I.e. consider your answer to this question: wanna swap? Dave
  13. I'd hope noone is using other than decent compilers. I agree with you its better to code for performance, but performance isn't the only constraint as I'm sure you'll agree: Code maintainability, readability are also important. I don't think its incorrect to make code more readable if you know there is no performance hit with the compiler you're using. I more put in the call to pow() as an alternative way to get the power-of (^) functionaly previously talked about. Talking shop on hbz makes me feel wierd. Dave
  14. Congrats Greg. Thats some margin! Any vids? Dave
  15. I was toying with the idea of using a bolt on attachment to the strut stub to move the pivots down. Look forward to seeing someone actually make one. Dave
  16. Cam, Which way does it pull? If you hit the strips on the right does it push right or left? Not that thats gunna help my meager brain come up with much, but it might help someone else. Dave
  17. Hyuri, I think any decent compiler will inline a single function call to a library, so there is no overhead. The readability benefit I agree is non-existent though. Dave
  18. #include #include // for decl of M_PI using namespace std; int main() { double radius= 0.0; double height= 0.0; double quantity= 0.0; double area= 0.0; double volume= 0.0; int material= 0; double unit_cost= 0.0; double total_cost= 0.0; cout << endl << "What is the radius of your storage tank? "; cin >> radius; cout << endl << "What is the height of your storage tank? "; cin >> height; cout << endl << "How many tanks would you like to build? "; cin >> quantity; area = M_PI * pow(radius, 2); volume = area * height * quantity; cout << endl << "What would you like to store in these containers?n1) Graveln2) Watern3) Wheatn4) Asphaltn ? "; cin >> material; switch(material){ case 1: unit_cost = 1.56; break; case 2: unit_cost = .65; break; case 3: unit_cost = 3.24; break; case 4: unit_cost = 4.11; break; } total_cost = volume * unit_cost; cout << endl << "It will cost you " << total_cost << " dollars to fill up all your tanks with the material you selected." << endl; return 0; } Also ^ is the bitwise xor operator, and does not do power-of operations. Dave
  19. Just so its here explicitly, here is my photo album on here all sorted and organized http://album.hybridz.org/showgallery.php?cat=500&ppuser=13452 Edit: Great, just noticed that sorting and reorganizing everything has now broken every link to an image on this page. How fuckinging wonderful. Dave
  20. My car is also a long-term member of Team Axle Stands, so don't judge anything by it. I think its a toss-up between casing strength, or bearing strength. The B casing wasn't with ridges to support the countershaft bearing hole being that large. I think if you compared two of them you'll find that you've basically machined out the lip on the inner side which gives the hole some amount of strength. Thats being said, chances you'll have an issue I'd think are pretty small. But its easier to replace a bearing than it is to replace a bell housing IMHO. Hope Murphy stays away for you. Dave
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