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Everything posted by thehelix112

  1. I'm interested in playing, later. I have no time atm, but perhaps you should start a new thread, and PM johnc, tube80z, jmortensen to get the ball rolling. susprog3d is available for demo, and thats about the most help i'm going to be i'm afraid. Dave
  2. I just went over your album 74_5.0etcetc, bloody nice work mate! Love the radiator ducting. Is that fibreglass? Dave
  3. It boggles the mind that you would go to the effort of building a tube frame front end and keep the strut suspension, unless you had to (regs). Put double wishbones on it and be done. Note: it may be more complicated than that. Dave
  4. Is that plenum cylindrical? Doesn't look like it, and if you install it like that the opening would be pointed directly at the bonnet? Dave
  5. Yep I get that. Thats a much better description of what I was trying to get at. I would raise two points though, 1. The amount of movement would be SFA. 2. I think that given the angle the castor rod is on, an inwards/forwards movement would increase positive castor ( by SFA ). Dave
  6. Depends how you drive I'd have to guess. Most of the complaints I've heard are from err.. enthusiastic yet potentially abusive drivers. Will leave you to determine what motor-synchronized swimmi-err i mean sport that might be. Dave
  7. John, Sorry to be a pain, but could you please explain how changing the LCA pivot would affect the castor/KPI/SAI/etc. I must be missing something? The castor/radius/etc rod holds the bottom of the strut a fixed distance the bracket. The only way I can see moving the LCA pivot affecting the castor is by it pulling the LCA inwards a fraction more (assuming it was perpendicular to start with), which would cause the end of the castor rod to move inwards with it. As this end is an arc, it would change the overall castor. Or am I way off base? Dave
  8. Can't argue with the evidence. Great to see someone testing things, and not talking ♥♥♥♥. Dave
  9. I have a JDM S15 SR and 6-speed. They fit in a 510, so yes I'd imagine they'd fit in a zed's tunnel without issue. The 6-speed has a bad rep in high-power mods, but a couple of blokes at performanceforums.com.au pulled one down that did the usual (shat 4-th), and determined something along the lines of an incorrectly recessed circlip. Sorry i don't have anymore details, probably availble if you wanna search. Good luck, Dave
  10. Surely there must be a better place to put the bolts that hold the trumpets on. Like anywhere thats not directly in the path of airflow? Dave
  11. I disagree Tony. I'd check your calculator's accuracy. By making the number smaller to start with (8.4/25.4) you are limited by its floating point accuracy. 12.6 is less than 12.7 which is half of 25.4, and = 0.496" Dave
  12. I'd think only testing would tell you that. I would hazard a guess however that you could run pretty aggressive angles. I would also guess that the biggest advantage to spoilers in this application would be reduced drag, which you can test via coast-down testing. Let us know the results if you do any testing. Dave
  13. Good summary: http://www.mercurynews.com/breakingnews/ci_7249824 Good map: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&om=1&msa=0&msid=104490150066531762262.00043d07fd69c22f79aee&ll=34.265161,-118.638611&spn=0.567471,0.823975&source=embed I'm West of the Irvine fire. Raining ash. Dave
  14. I like the car a lot more than I like the tight white top. Dave
  15. Not a damn thing. You're not moving the wheel at all, simply changing the way the lateral loading is transferred to the body. Doing what you propose will put more tensile force on the castor rod. Dave
  16. Are you sure the lift is 8.4mm? Thats really really really small. I'm not the most knowledgeable person, but that sounds smaller than stock to me. The relatively low lobe separation angle would indicate that it has quite a bit of valve overlap, which doesn't make sense unless you are running a pretty aggressive cam profile. But I would recommend ringing the manufacturer and asking for more details. Preferably the profile equation. Dave
  17. koliver, Its a tricky business as jon has alluded to. If the calipers are designed for a rotor size that might be pushing it for the wheels you run I'd be checking that first. After you're sure that the caliper will fit under the wheel at the right distance from the hub to suit the disc size it was designed for, then you can check that the distance from the hub, and try to find a disc with the correct dimensions. It might be a case of writing it all down and going and visiting an auto parts store and sitting down with their brake parts catalogue for half an hour. What brembos are they? OEM or after market? Dave
  18. The advertised duration of a camshaft indicates ABSOLUTE FRIGGING NOTHING about its profile. One could grind a 300 adv. deg duration cam that wouldn't flow enough to idle, and one could grind a 300 adv. deg duration cam that wouldn't work without the pneumatic valve springs and would come on at 7000. Get more specs and get back to us. If you have adv duration, and 0.05 duration then you're one step closer to having some idea what the profile is like. Dave
  19. I would suggest people get a hold of a couple of good books on the subject of aero if they are at all interested in it. http://www.amazon.com/Competition-Car-Aerodynamics-practical-handbook/dp/1844252302/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/103-3140541-9606231?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1192851260&sr=8-1 and http://www.amazon.com/Race-Car-Aerodynamics-Engineering-Performance/dp/0837601428/ref=pd_bbs_2/103-3140541-9606231?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1192851260&sr=8-2 are both excellent. FWIW IMNSHO, Matt Dawson is way off the money, and Jon is right on it. Dave
  20. You do know the RB25 tranny is the same as the Z32 as Mario just said? My advice would be to sell the Z32, get the RB25 and save yourself a WHOLE heap of hassles. Dave
  21. And not make as much power. Smaller inducer on the 4082, and less flow (~58 vs ~62lb/min). There is nothing stopping you from running a divided manifold on the GT3582R, in fact I do. The primary benefit is in stopping the pulses from opposing `halves' of the engine from inteferring with one another. You can also extend the divider in the manifold into the turbine housing and taper it down to a point. GT4082R looks like a big waste of time to me. GT4088R now... Although I have heard rumours that the GT35R is one of the old turbine housings using the high nickel metal: `` Turbine housing is cast from high-nickel "Ni-Resist" material for extreme applications''. Probably not important for street apps though. Dave
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