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Everything posted by thehelix112

  1. 1720 god damn kilograms!!! Holy jesus christ!!! Urgh. Dave
  2. I mounted mine under the front of the passenger's seat. Gotsta keep that CoG low don't we? Dave
  3. Hey Sulio, Long time no see. My bad on the location. I've only done Studley Park a couple of times, and this vid looked a lot like a little bit of the extended Spur run. You wouldn't think to look at it that Studley Park is only a stone's throw from the centre of Melbourne. I heard that it was overrun with Cu's though, thanks to the bike brigade? Dave
  4. The ONLY reason a larger turbo would flow at 14psi what a smaller one is flowing at 20psi is because of the reduced restriction on the exhaust side, and improve flow into the head because of it. And if thats the case (and assumes lots about head/cam setup) guess what, you have just completely altered the spool characteristics: larger turbine = slower spool. There is no perfect solution, only compromises. If you want more power at the same boost, head work head work head work. A friend of mine went from 590hp @ 1.8 bar (RB30ET + GT3582R 1.06 A/R turbine), to 590hp @ 1.2 bar with head mods: reshaped inlet port, 1mm OS valves, additional 20deg 0.05 duration cam). Then made 650hp @ 1.8 bar with the poor GT35R completely maxed out. Good luck, Dave
  5. My main problem with new cars is the weight. The C6 Z06 weights 1421kg officially, and has more hp, and does't look half bad. Anyone know what this one weighs? The R34 was over 1600kg IIRC. Dave
  6. I think I recognize that road. Been too long since I did a run on the Spur. More more more more more. Dave
  7. Veritech-z, I applaud the thinking outside the box. If I might make a small suggestion that I think would improve the efficiency of your setup markedly. Where the front of the cooler meets the bonnet is going to be a high pressure zone because its protruding. This can be a HIGHLY positive thing if the result is that the air gets direct upwards, as in a gurney lip. This will effectively draw air out the intercooler from the bonnet. The problem I see atm is that its not sealed so the air will be going down into the bay and upwards. Wack a small gurney lip in front of the cooler that seals with the bonnet and see what happens? I'd be interested to see if it works. Dave
  8. Sounds promising manny. I guess what some people are wondering is whether the engine will cope with tuner mods as well as the RB. I think the VQ is an open-deck design? So once you start pushing things then core drift becomes an issue? Anyone know if this block is a closed or open deck? Dave
  9. I have no useful input aside from noting that, an intercooler changes nothing about the volume being ingested. It increases the mass being ingested by cooling the charge (more dense). Dave
  10. Having the injectors as far away as possible increases fuel atomization and hence improves combustion/power etc. F1 engines have the injector exit a couple of inches from the END of the runner IIRC. Also an article on autospeed specifically about this somewhere. Dave
  11. I'm not sure which way toe is measured, but I believe you'd want zero toe/toe in for stability (front and rear). Dave
  12. I'm going to have to back on my last comment. I believe that the main purpose of modern ABS/ESP is to assist the driver in avoiding an accident. In the event of a brake lock situation with the steering wheel straight this probably means the driver wants to stop as quickly as possible. Given these systems include a steering position sensor, I think you'd be hard pushed to manually brake as well as the system. That being said, each system is configured/tuned individually to the manufacturers requests/satisfaction, and some manufacturers are stupid. So perhaps some cars won't stop as well as you or I could, but if it was configured appropriately, I don't think many people would be able to out-do the system. Dave
  13. I mounted mine right in front. Alive engine > 1 deg cooler air. Dave
  14. BobbyZ, Thats a very good point. If I'd stopped to think about it I'd've realised that in order to turn the car, you probably don't want to be at peak slip ratio, as IIRC the lateral force possible decreases as slip ratio increases. Ie, you're `using' the tyres force to slow down so it has none left to turn. Thanks for the correction. Dave PS. Of course a race car with ABS has a very different requirement I'd assume.
  15. 1. Not all ABS systems are configured equally. However I still find your comments hard to believe. Every ABS system I've ever seen works to maximise the negative slip ratio on the tyres (individually I might add whilst maintaining car yaw as requested by steering input), and does so by pulsing the brake pressure to just before lock (Ie when the individual wheel speed sensor indicates its slowed beyond the others). I would have to assume, though I will check with a mate who works on the ESP systems for Bosch, that this cycles through each wheel/brake/tyre (so the other tyres provide a reference for the `correct' wheel speed), hundreds of times a second. 2. If you can outbrake a modern (<5 years) ABS system, you must be a better driver than 99.9999% of the population. Dave
  16. I'm sorry to be so pedantic. That does make sense. I always shoot for a small amount of `in' bulge. Pics would be awesome. Dave
  17. I completely agree that the tyre involved has a lot to do with it. Though from what I can find, the Hoosier 225/50R15 has a much wider section width on a 7: 9.8" (http://www.tirerack.com/tires/Spec.jsp?make=Hoosier&model=R6&tirePageLocQty) compared with the Toyo: 9.2" (http://www.sascosports.com/products/specs.php?type_id=38). Whilst I don't doubt you speak from experience, and I know I don't, I'm just curious I guess how you define `bulge' and `great fit'. JohnC, Thanks for the words of wisdom. 8610s for me, unless I get rich and can afford some 8611s. I look forward to hearing your first hand experiences with the HTSs. Dave
  18. I'm surprised you run 225s on a 7 and 245s on an 8 to be honest. That sounds like its going to be a bit of a `loose' fit and things will be wobbling around the place. I have no direct experience, but my mates with some more racing experience recommend 205 on a 7, 225 on an 8, and 245 on a 9. Glad to hear the shocks are working well, but my question is (I guess to johnc), how do they compare to an 8610? Oh and thanks for the alignment suggestions john, much appreciated and worth its weight in gold. Dave
  19. Black centre / polished lip. I dunno why I like it, but I do. Perhaps its because one can buy cheap arse rims and they don't look quite as bad ala I personally really don't like colour-coded wheels. The way I think of it, the CAR is red, the rest is black/chrome accents. BTW Justin, what tyres are you planning on running on those monsters? And who do you know with a metal jigsaw? Coz I reckon you might be needing one. Dave
  20. http://www.delwestusa.com/manufactured/valve_seat_inserts.asp Support your local. Dave
  21. Couple of points: As I understand it, pre-ignition is when the engine `diesels'. Ie, the charge ignites under the increasing temperature as the pressure increases whilst in the compression stroke. The few articles I have read on this (for racing engines), said that by the time you notice it, your engine is already broken. Also, a wizardblack suggested, I also suggest you read Corky's introduction to this. IIRC he says that the peak pressure does not increase that much, what happens is that the pressure is a little bit higher for a lot longer (which gives you the noticable increase in brake *mean* effective pressure). To use a simple analogy, imagine riding a bike but only being able to push the pedal for half the down stroke. Obviously its going to be a lot harder to ride. The longer period of high pressure is analogous to being able to push on the pedal for longer during the down stroke. Or something like that.. I dunno, i'm not a mecheng. Dave
  22. I want one, and the requisite stunt double. Dave
  23. Maybe if you put this in the Events forum? Dave
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