Updated changes to car- 2step installed, used with brake pedal switch / droop limiters installed but not adjusted to restrict front end on this questionable night. Went to the track wednesday night for the street car event. There was a pretty good showing and as the evening progressed the temps cooled down enough to keep the blower happy. Thought I'd start out with the front shocks set to the loosest setting and the two step off. It being a week night event the track prep is minimal, "what do you want for $15". I ran a total of 5 runs, the first 3 with no adjustment or changes to anything ( 1.922 tire spin/1.541/1.552 60fts ). The 4th run I tightened the rebound one full turn and it didn't seem to help ( 1.561 60ft ). The last run I decided to use the 2step set at 1900rpm with the rebound set back at loosest setting netting a 1.605 with a little tire chirping. Conclusions... none as of yet. I need to make a bunch more runs to have any real idea what is going on. I will say using the 2step the launch seems snappier and by worming up the brakes as best as possible prier to staging, the car will stay in place. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th runs were the start of the eliminations 10.470/ 10.471/ and 10.479, pretty consistent except for the 10.50 dial in I might of been in it for a while. Good fun though.