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Everything posted by RTz

  1. Gents, Aaron has the means and motivation to address an issue that plagues our forum. The ad's for electronics and such are mostly a nuisance, but we're seeing more and more pornography and related spam crop up, and it's only going to get worse. Aaron has been on a warpath to keep them at bay for years. He has the skills and ambition to do what we need, and our forum will be a better place for his efforts. I'm thankful he's willing to help. And, for the record, Aaron has a passion for Datsuns and Datsun people surpassed by few others.
  2. It's a REALLY long story, with a precursor that I'll skip, but the 'important' point is, a couple months ago, BRAAP and I are in a junkyard doing our own thing. He walks towards me, raises his hand and says loudly "I FARTED!!!" Big ass smile on his face, obviously proud his 'product'. The rest of the JY staring and waiting for him to begin licking a nearby window.
  3. Hey Ron,

    HB man; Enjoy!

    It goes without saying that you have contributed much to HZ. Thanks!!!


    PS: moved and Zcar will be moved again to be painted. She is gutttted now.

  4. John, To clarify, you're saying the shift added .3 to the total time, not just .3 to complete the shift, correct?
  5. Yeah, some of the staff has all the intellect of two buh foo
  6. Thank you all! Mistaken, as usual. But, more importantly, I'll NEVER be as old as you!
  7. Bart, Please exercise some patience and limit bumping to once or twice per week.
  8. This one?... Yes, Spreadbury's car is VERY nicely crafted. However, It's a single cam/single turbo. Roostmonkey was talking about a twin cam/twin turbo... I've never seen another like it, so I'm curious
  9. Got a link? I did just that, a few years back. Definitely not a 'weekend project'. Would like to see how another chap faired.
  10. The greasier her hands got, the more fun she had! And I think she was bummed the flesh wound was 'puny' I hope she doesn't think every engine tear down begins with farm equipment Glad you guy's could make it out.
  11. Wolf doesn't care where the 'sync pulse' is relative to cylinder one. It can all be handled via the software. Just sequence the coils accordingly and the result is the same. The only real downside is when you disassemble things, you must get it back on the same spline or your timing will be off. On the other hand, if you start off with quill shaft clocked 'correctly', it makes it easier when it comes time for reassembly.
  12. Busted... http://www.uga.edu/srelherp/snakes/diapun.htm
  13. Most likely using a plug in adapter. Way different config for that. Very similar, yes. I see you (or somebody) added a sync hole on the 280zx CAS. Is that how it was installed on the RB? If not, the config is wrong. Don't. It won't gain you anything. The low-res will work well for you, as long as it's set up correctly. Email me your map, and I'll have a look. PM with email addy on the way.
  14. Looks like you'll need to adjust Ref Degrees BTDC... Drop that number down until your timing light shows 10 degrees. I wouldn't go any lower than about 55 or 60 on a stock compression/street driven motor. If you cant get all the way 'there', you'll need to re-sequence your ignition, as Hugh mentioned. You should be using Pin 28. I'm *guessing* the previous configuration was using both the hi-res and low-res channels of the CAS. If so, that needs to be corrected. You're using only the low-res channel, correct?
  15. And the OE location for the L-series in an S30 is also off center
  16. There are oodles of good starter books at common bookstores.
  17. Do these things, in this EXACT order... 1) Verify timing. 2) Verify timing. 3) Verify timing. 4) Let us know what you find.
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