Not sure where the miscommunication comes from As of today, J&S has 2,3, & 4 channel boxes. John makes an 8 channel Vampire but its use is not best suited to your needs. He is preparing to release an 8 channel universal in the very near future. I'll call him Mon. and verify his schedule.
Until we get the 8 channel box, wasted spark is best we can do (unless you run two 3 channel boxes). As a side note, when used in wasted spark, it still has the ability to trim timing on individual cylinders... its adaptive abilities are what makes his stuff 'top shelf'.
P.S. The modification that you're referring to was in reference to pulling hi or low. J&S is normally configured to be pulled high, but older Wolf versions could only pull low. Wolf can be configured to do either now, so the modification is optional.