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Everything posted by Daz

  1. Thanks ! I've been talking with him already, trying to see if we could work something out.
  2. Yeah ! You have a spare 240z/260z shell sitting around ? J/K ! I can't wait to get rid of my Camaro so I can get started ! I should've thought of this a long time ago, then my Camaro would be sold by now and I would have one. Maybe I should try talking my dad out of his 260z !
  3. I read this whole thread and I have to say that your car is Freakin Sick ! I'm trying to sell my 67' Camaro project so I can pick up a 240z/260z so I can do this swap. Since you live in Socal too maybe you'll be able to help me out. I like the intake manifold/intercooler+piping combo, I would like the same exact thing aside from the color.
  4. Subscribed ! I'm thinking of selling my 67' Camaro shell to do this !
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