I work in IT. I deal with idiots on a daily basis. Actually, it's kind of like working with kids, except they're adults and whine more. Here's my dialog from 10 minutes ago with a user trying to use VPN from her home pc:
me: go to start->settings->control panel->add/remove programs, and select nortel networks client to remove.
her: ok, i'm under programs. I don't see it.
me: go to start->settings->control panel->add/remove programs, and select nortel networks client to remove.
her: I'm still not seeing it, I'm looking under start->programs
me: I specifically said go to start->settings->control panel->add/remove programs, and select nortel networks client to remove it.
her: ok, I'm under control panel. I don't see add/remove programs icon.
me: it's there.
her: Oh, ok. Do I left click it?
me: [very irritated now] double click it with the left button
her: Ok, starting add/remove hardware wizard.
her: that's what I ran!!!
me: no, you ran the hardware wizard. they're right next to each other. they're labeled underneath the icons
fast forward 10 minutes of useless dumb banter. she asks me if she can bring her home PC into the office so I can fix it. I just flat out told her no, she'll have to deal with it herself, and there's a reason we provide her with a laptop so she can take it home and do her work from home. her reply?
"Oh, I don't like lugging that thing around"
well, that's great. I don't want to support your crap at home, which you shouldn't be using anyway because that's a security liability for my company.