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Everything posted by auxilary

  1. not quite. those are revolution wheels, mine are ronals.
  2. the dealership received enough damage for screwing up on their part. He basically rubbed their noses in it, and pulled a reversal on them. Now he backed out of the deal. I don't think I'd want THAT evo either, I can't imagine what the dealership could've done to it to sabotage it.
  3. http://www.fuckedcompany.com/images/cake.html HAHAHHAH!!!!!!!!!! can't....stop.....laughing!
  4. Very very true. You should've seen what happened to a mitsubishi dealer when they declined a winning bid sale to a customer on ebay. Word spread ALL over the internet, and there were THOUSANDS of people calling, and 10s of thousands reading about it. In 2 days the thread had 106 pages. Mitsubishi USA received tons of complaints
  5. oh, i know. but replies like "You want new fork?" doesn't exactly satisfy me. If I was the manager, i'd say "How about we cover lunch for you and your friends, your pick of new meals?" The difference is that I'm aware of the bug/rat parts per certain grain quota, but it's already dead and cooked, not like and sprawling moving its legs in midair at me
  6. that's exactly the point. Chris Rock's Salad Tossing Man
  7. If you want a clutch pedal assembly and (somewhat rusty) master cylinder, DavyZ has one to part with, perfect for manual swap.
  8. JTR aka http://www.jagsthatrun.com, that's where i got mine
  9. understood, and you're probably right. But if I was going to throw them out, I'd smash them, take pictures of the smashed pieces, and email them to him.
  10. or, how I just found a baby cockroach in my chinese food at this place called UME chinese food in San Jose on Skyport st. I am eating the salad, bring up the fork, and notice something with mobility on it. I bring up the fork to the woman working the counter, hold it up, and say "Would you like to rectify this problem?" her: "you want new fork?" now I'm agitated, and loudly I say (and there's a line of about 15 people waiting to order) "NO, I WANT A NEW FORK THAT DOESN'T HAVE A BEETLE ON IT." People in the line start getting grossed out. Guy next to me is ordering salad, I look at him and say "you really don't want to order that, you might get extra flavor!" The woman goes "what you want me to do?" me: "Give me a refund, wash your salad in the future, and I'll never set foot in here again." "OK" As I walk past the counter to the end, where the director of my dept and a manager are getting their food. They ask me what the complaint is. I tell them bluntly "There was a bug on my fork. I'm getting my money back." Manager replies with "Hey, it's just extra protein!" So, got a chuckle out of me, and a loss of apetite for the 3 of us. We didn't finish our meals. I paid $5.50 for lunch, got $7, after ingesting some bugs I don't know about. And the guy from the line I showed the infested fork to was eating his chinese chicken salad as we were leaving... So yeah, stay away from UME.
  11. not a garage sale, I was just selling off spare parts from my Z and blown rotary motor.
  12. yeah, but there's a difference between saying "hey, I'll give you $15 for the item since you're asking $50" and "hey, how about you give them to me for free?" Not to mention that we're in the US, and not Europe
  13. nothing quite as low as this. the subject for my ad on CL said "cleaning out garage, stuff for sale:" and the manifolds were listed for 50 bucks. This is the email I get: can i have your ------------------ -a set of upper/lower intake manifolds for a series 4 FC rx7 turbo. $50 ------------------ for free or something? i dont need them but atleast they wont be in your way... what the crap? just because I said I'm cleaning out the garage doesn't mean I'm going to give it to you for free. In fact, there's a price listed! I replied with "$50 and they're yours." If he replies with another lowball, I'll say "it's now $60"
  14. iso is listed as 200-800, which means it'll be good for low light situations and some motion, but expect not so great pictures when you're taking pics in direct sunlight (ie. car shows). 3.1 mp is kind of weak by todays standards, and 10x optical zoom lens means there might be some barrel distortion at full zoom in. Overall, I'd be intested in that camera myself if: 1. it did NOT have the electronic view finder (you'll find out it's completely useless in low light conditions) 2. if it was more than 3.1 mp. Pardon the pessimistic review on my part (I have an old fuji cam myself), but here's an unbiast review from dpreview.com: http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/fujifilms5000/ and conclusion of pros and cons if you don't want to read everything: http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/fujifilms5000/page15.asp
  15. wow, that's a whole lot of stupid. I hope someone will add chlorine to their gene pool, or at least nature will play lifeguard and go "YOU! out of the gene pool!"
  16. of course, my pop was laying hardwood floors at their house today, and I stopped by to help out. I also managed to step into the glue, which if you don't know, DOES NOT COME OFF.
  17. I'll add to this: today I thought it'd be a grand idea to redo the speakers that goodguys so poorly set up (i was working, didn't have time, gave it to them, i know, i know). So, got the panels off, got the speakers out, rewired, hooked everything back up, tested windows, locks, all work. great. Mom calls and asks me to drive her somewhere, so I leave. I pick her up, drive a block, there's a mosquito in the cabin. I roll down her window to let it out, it flies out, I click the switch to roll the window back up. nothing happens. I try again. Nothing happens. I'm getting agitated, because it's cold out, and getting dark. I have no desire to leave my car with passenger window rolled down overnight anywhere. Fortunately, I found the short in the system, and a good hour later it's working, sort of. At least the window is rolled up. Murphy can go f#ck himself!
  18. http://www.corral.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=371289
  19. my dns is being swithced over, it'll be back up tomorrow
  20. http://www.streetimports.com/boost/monster.htm these guys... know anything about'em? Their IC units on ebay are pretty cheap, but I have no idea if they're any good. They also seem to be selling quite a few of them. No name given on the IC manufacturer (probably inhouse job) but the pictures show an OK unit. I emailed them about the flowrates for a specific unit, and i'm waiting on feedback right now, but as far as judging quality by the picture, it doesn't look too bad Opinions?
  21. see the forsale forum, i have a link there just for you, randy
  22. When I replied, it was under brakes/wheels/suspension forum, and a moderator moved it. I've been around long enough to know how UBBs work (and administer/moderate 3 of them)
  23. wow, two pages of zrex and on3go replying to each other.... you guys thought of maybe taking this to PM or email? it really is just useless banter in a tech portion of the forum
  24. heh. don't take any turns or go over bumps
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