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Everything posted by Some-Guy

  1. When I saw that picture of the girl I laughed so hard I just spit coke all over my damn computer!
  2. That thing has been around for a couple years (atleast?) I saw that a LONG time ago.
  3. Fantastic Thats fricken Hilarious!
  4. wow I like miatas now........
  5. haha I thought that it was hilarious. Not really art tho its just a huge WASTE of money.
  6. Ill Spray it up today with abit of white paint that I have 2 cans of color matched left.
  7. I hope so it took us 3 attempts to get the bend right and then I cut the end of my tape measure off in the shear.... Doh!
  8. This time I took it to work bent up a plate and used a mig to get it done and it came out a hell of alot better! All I have to do now is finish sanding it up and then fill and paint it! I ran out of time at work So I taped it off and threw some primer on just to stop the rust.
  9. ^^ they are rare as hell around here. I should have just bought it. I waited to long to go see it and he sold it on the first viewing. oh well next time.........
  10. Fantastic! Its party hardy here too!!!
  11. ^^ lol I have one of those such things also altho this time it really wanted the car!
  12. Yea I have been looking for a semi decent Z for a couple years now and nothing has come up. That looked to be about the most decent one I have run across yet that wasnt 10 grand. I have a shop and a fair bit of space for parts storage so that no problem. I guess I might have to drive to the southern states and get one! Iam havin no luck up here.
  13. Yupp never went and saw it the voice of reason won Oh well I dont really want to spend 90% of the budget on rust repair anyway. Might have made a good parts car. I would have made the rent either way I get paid next friday so he would have gotten it on the 7th instead lol.
  14. yea but atleast ill get a rough idea of filler with the magnet. we'll see going to go check it out in 2 hours.
  15. Better title would have been is it worth trying to fix ? I think for a grand Ill pick it up even if it is all rusted out worse case I part the whole car out again. My wife is like JUST BUY it, altho I have to pay rent in a week she says just sell your truck within the week lol.
  16. Iam taking a magnet with me . Iam going to go take some good quailty photos of it later this afternoon. We'll see what happens he was selling it for parts so im not expecting much.
  17. I Found this thing today with appertnly a rusted frame hes asking 1000$. The picture didnt look toooo bad, Iam going to go check it out might just buy it since it looks straight and is in the right price range. whatcha ya'll think? Iam searching now for frame repair info....
  18. I was reading that you can buy the F350 coil springs to raise it up for cheap or you can switch to leaf springs which is the way Iam going to go. Its alot more work but I think the product is alot better in the end. Basically Iam going to copy the rear setup in the front and all I should have to buy new is a drop pitman arm or modify myne at work. Then ill goto the scrap yard and cut the shackle mount and spring hangers of a similar year truck grab the the springs and I should be good to go.
  19. Thats great, pretty damn cool. Its hard to hear a car sound like that tho. I wish he had done a burnout or hard pull in it that would have been cool.
  20. So I have been driving it for a few days now and the ride is alot better with the shackles set up compression style. Its alot firmer makes for a better drive and burnouts hehehe. I also sold the canopy I never liked the way it looked anyway so that worked out good.
  21. Just make sure he doesn't turn out like me having his first born before his 19th bday with a girl thats 17. Altho we did get married eventualy So it wasnt all bad
  22. Theres no way that grade 5 bolts will fail there (well they shouldn't anyway). it takes about 14000 lbs per bolt to sheer them in that position. should be fine for years to come!
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