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Posts posted by Kennysgreen280zt

  1. Have you seen this one? It is fiberglass but no ducts. He has several listed on EBay.




    I Emailed him to see if they would fit a '77 280Z, he said NO. Bummer.


    It says 280z right on it ;) I actually installed a spoiler made specifically for a 240z onto my 280z. I was also looking at the one on ebay.

  2. My dad and some of his friends were chatting about this over dinner last weekend at the track. Apperently Ivey engines in portland is having thier own oil mixed now, and its pretty reasonable @ $22 a gallon. They all have formula fords, which are solid tappet engines. I was thinking about it, realizing the Z and my DD diesel are both solid lifter/tappet as well.

  3. This is a way cool thread! My Z story starts back almost as early as I can remember. Our family is heavily into cars, and I honestly dont remember when we got the first Z. Im pretty sure it was a 76 or 77 2+2. I dont remember what color it was even, though I remember my dad throwing a pretty sweet stripe job on it. Im sure I could dig up some pictures if I wanted to. This was back in 83 to 85 ish, and I was small enough to fit in the back seats that is why the memory is a bit foggy. As my sister and I grew up a bit the Z had to go as we started fighting for the front seat, and space got cramped. Mom got into a mini van after that and was never happy with the van. So come to I would say 93 or 94 she picks up a minty 83 turbo 5spd 2+2 with T-tops! The car was great, I remember looking under the hood, and even then thinking what a night mare the electronics looked to be. This is really the car that got me obsessed with turbocharging and was a really nice car. We ended up selling it around 1995-6, right before I got my drivers licence, probly a good thing as I would have been a new driver in a turbo Z! So that is my childhood with Z's. My cars story is one of its own.


    My Z was purchased in 1975 as a super low milage tradein (its a 75 so someone must not have been happy) My grandma was looking for a car to have some fun in, as all the kids had moved out, and they were just starting to celebrate being free and in thier early 40's. The car was driven by her up untill the mid 80s when it was put into storage. My mom had borrowed the car a few times and that was part of the reason she ended up getting the turbo Z. I can remember being small (10-12ish) and waiting to see the (my) Z round the corner and come up the road to the house. The car has always been garaged, and my grand father took a lot of care when he put it into storage. In 1994 my grandfather passed away and the Z continued to sit in storage at thier house. It was dry and covered and on jackstands so it was nested away nicely. 1999 roles around and my grandma decides she wants my dad and I to come down and get the Z running again. So we go down, drain the fluids, do all the normal crap to get an old car running. She fired right up and we took it for a spin around the block. Being in highschool I had a bit of a taste for newer cars, but had alot of respect for the Z. Comes to find out the reason grandma wanted to get it running was to give it to me as a highschool graduation present!!!! Needless to say Im still really glad that I was given the car, and she is really happy that she gets to see me enjoy it. Through the family grapevine, I found out the grandparents had been planning since a few years after putting it in storage that is was going to be given to me 12 or so years later. Its a wonderful reminder and keepsake from my grandfather, and I hope to have the car for many years to come.


    So thats my Z story. Again this is a pretty awesome thread!

  4. my sister sent me this yesterday, and thanked me for bolting her amp/speaker crap down when doing her install. I dont think she realized it was a Z though. She has had a few smaller accidents, and I would hate to think of something like that happening to my little sis.

  5. pretty cool. there is a four door for sale on craigslist here for $1200 with no sale. Its pretty roachy though. Also there are a couple of wagons I see on a daily basis. If you like the look, then I say go for it :) I would rock it if it wasnt on the other side of the country.


    Im trying to find an 810 which is turning out to be harder than I thought

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