For the record, I work at a dealership parts counter, and due to a particularly odd set of circumstances involving downsizing and consolidation, I am now the ONLY person in my department at this particular dealership (my manager is based out of our sister store across town, and since there are only two people over there, I only see him in the morning). I don't have any wholesale business (since they transferred my parts driver and sold my delivery truck), and NO dealership has much walk in traffic. So my only responsibilities are to answer the phone (which rarely happens without wholesale), make sure the technicians have the parts they need (once they have their parts, I wait for them to come back), and try not to burn the building down. I got tired of counting the cracks in the ceiling during my 9 hour shifts (with no luch breaks) Hence the wheel painting...(and the multitude of drawings that appear in this thread and OTM's threads...) I'm just biding my time until august when I'm going to go back to school and get my Master's Degree, then I'll be making a career change.