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Everything posted by veritech-z

  1. In other OTHER news, that's not all your Z has from that car...
  2. HS30-H has pictures of a car with a similar paint scheme in his photo album on classiczcars, I thought it was pretty cool looking.
  3. You could always dress in an Elvis suit and sing weddings and barmitzfahs while playing the guitar for extra cash! I'm rootin' for ya, Phil!
  4. I've got a nice HP scanner, but that scan was done with the page still in the sketch pad, so the light seal wasn't the best. That's why it's lighter in the bottom right than in the top. They always look a bit warped to me though when compared to the original image...anyway, here is my newest one. I left the front wheel off so you could see what was happening with the fender a little better: I took off the big airfoil, and made it a big lip spoiler. That duct at the rear wheel spits the air out of a small scoop just above the rear wheel. The scoop up front is the engine intake, and the two small ones on the splitter feed the radiator. There would probably be a ton of drag with a kit like this....
  5. 7" wide wheel at 0 offset is 4" backspace. I say go old school: You know you love 3-spokes! Impul Hoshino Racing RS-III in 17X7 front and 17X8" rear on the Camo ZZZap! (and it's a 77 no less!)
  6. No body kits in this one, but this IS an S30 drawing I was working on...it was intended as part of my portfolio for my interactive entertainment masters degree: The scan isn't very good, but they never are...
  7. I've got a nice side-view going here, but I can't get it to look right from the front....this one's got an extended "long tail" with a big box airfoil.
  8. I'm basing mine on a fuel injected V-8, so I may do away with the power bulge all together on my next one. I'm going to incorporate the air intake into the air dam, it's been slow going...
  9. Now they have to dress all normal! Maybe they'll be Officer Busty or Nurse McBooty...
  10. OTM, I like that one over all, but I could do without the hood. I'm working on a new one, I've been hanging out on www.mulsannescorner.com looking at prototype racers all day at work now that they've blocked out Hybridz (but for some reason I can still go to classiczcars.com-go figure), so I'm going to incorporate some of that stuff they've got going on in my next drawing...
  11. The entrance picture is a cell from the Wangan Midnight manga by the looks of it. It's basically just a standard air dam with a lip on it, but since it was made up for the manga, you'd have to make due with what you could adapt. I think Owen had something to do with that image, since his name is watermarked into it if you look really close. Maybe you could ask him about it?
  12. I've seen that site before. I particularly like the ones where you dress up like a video game:
  13. what about those guys from australia that had an FJ20 in their car that was stupid fast? I think the thread was in the timeslip forum...That might be a swap to consider. did a quick search, found the thread, with videos in the 4-cylinder forum:http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=112999&highlight=fj20
  14. first one is an S20, second one is the LY crossflow single cam head. Hard to run a proper search if you don't know what you are looking for. Like looking a word you don't know how to spell up in the dictionary. Can't find it if you don't know where to start, right? Here is a fun thread that is sort of on topic:http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=76847
  15. The Vg30 powered cars had 5-lug hubs instead of 4 lug. they are pretty rare all over, not just where you're at. Supposedly the extra weight of the engine offset the gain, and they were about the same performance wise as the 4cyl turbo models.
  16. If it has that much power, just leave it and focus on suspension. I think it might be a bit optimistic, but TonyD says he was getting some good power from his old draw through setups, and I know it's been done before. I vote for see what you've got to work with, and go from there first. If it runs fine, don't worry about it.
  17. .... Nah. I'm just going to leave it. I might tuck it in a little better, bu I really don't particularly care that it looks cheesy to be honest with you. I think when I get my final engine configuration together, I'd like to do a fender exhaust like what came on old wwII fighter planes. something like this:
  18. I personally know a guy with a 330whp Saturn SC2 that is running megasquirt. You can make a saturn fast, no question. Is it cheap or easy? not really. Is it reliable? not really. Would I rather be seen in a Z32, or an ion redline? Z32, but mine wouldn't be automatic, even if it was NA. If I had video of me losing to an entry level econobox in a street race, would I post it online? Let me check my magic 8-ball...."signs point to no."
  19. That's also been done, at least once. http://www.z31.com/~morgan/nd/?z/awd1000hp240z.jpg
  20. What are your goals for the car? That is not a very common turbo setup, so just cleaning it up and making sure it runs ok will get you a lot of comments at car shows, but if ultimate performance is what you want, there are lots of ways to do that. Period correct is cool, but so is balls to the wall speed...
  21. Saturn offers a stage II kit for the Redline Ion that consists of 4 injectors, an ecu reflash, a smaller pulley, and a new belt which brings it up to 246hp. This costs just under $1k for the parts (I know this because I work in a Saturn parts department). It's not much of a stretch to think that you could get a further 40hp from that like they are claiming, especially once you put all the stickers in. Something to think about: The driver was holding the camera, so who was shifting? Probably an automatic. I suspect the Z was an NA auto car, which = super sluggish.
  22. don't forget that anyone interested in the VGs can just walk into a Mitsu dealer parts department and buy that piece. It's a seperate removable component. I'll call our sister dealership tomorrow and find out a price.
  23. Here are the pics of texis300's car. Looks to be the turbo tom draw through 2-barrell setup. I would recommend finding out what type of carb that is, and then get the repair manual specific to it to help with tuning. (sorry it took so long to post these, by the way)
  24. Mark, that is an MSA type III complete kit for an S30 zcar by the looks of it. IMO the only decent looking kit going right now besides the Monza Mystery Widebody...$450 is a good price, but still too rich for my blood...
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