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Everything posted by veritech-z

  1. Mike, don't you have a GTO kit? That would look really good, those kits are always all boring and red...How about some TVR colors? They use a lot of pearlescent/color shifting paints too.
  2. In case you guys were wondering where the screen name came from, here is the original paint scheme from the ZZZap: getting an R200 swap and here are the wheels I had on it before I sold them to BradMan-Q45: still getting an R200, check the cool white stripes going up into the roofline: those red flares in the bottom left are from an 83 Celica Supra. they looked pretty cool when I held them up to the car, but I decided not to use them (since I only had one side's worth and couldn't find the other two)...
  3. I like Hoover's wheels...but I'd rather have a Primadonna too!
  4. If my design gets chosen, is my screen name or logo going to be on your car somewhere?
  5. So what we're really up to is trying to paint YOUR car finally?
  6. What happened to super polished and shiny? Ready to come over to the dark side already? I got the vibe from your first post my ideas were old news, want any new ones?
  7. Anybody notice how many new drag cars and magazine features are coming out with camo, by the way? I saw a bunch of SEMA pics with camo too...talk about being ahead of the curve...
  8. I'd like the paint on that CRX a lot more if it were a real car (it's definitely cool), although it would look pretty rediculous with all those goofy scoops...so are we doing drawings, or just digging up existing paint? I'll sit this one out for a bit until some more people post up, that way it doesn't turn into another me and you sausage party i guess...
  9. Is it really? I thought the A type went with the normal ZG flares, and the B type went with those extra big ones?
  10. don't worry silent, a good deal will come along again when you least expect it! I sold my old 280, it was just getting to be more trouble than it was worth. I told myself I was done with cars altogether (even told my wife-my GF at the time-the same thing) and was going to focus on my DJ stuff...well, long story short, my friend (ironically the guy I sold my car to) found another 280 that was in better shape than my last one that he got for free, but he didn't have the time for it, and I got it from him for $200...so you never know, life is funny like that.
  11. I was just tired of looking at Mike's name on the main board for the last week...that guy is SUCH a no0b...Oh wait, he's got me by a month, and I've got almost as many posts as he does...I better keep a low profile for a bit...
  12. I bet that a motorcycle engine would work really well in one of those early honda CVCC civic hatchbacks, the one that only had a 600cc engine to start with. You'd hurt some people's feelings in a car like that! You could get one of those V-tec V4 engines they use on some of the Honda bikes, that would really freak some people out! "V-4, don't you mean inline 4?" and you could be like: "Oh gee, the guy told me it was a V-4....I don't know anything about that stuff, wanna race?"
  13. I really think it could be done, so long as you run some vacuum lines to the float bowls to equalize the pressure, and use a higher than stock pressure fuel pump. While you may in fact be crazy, that doesn't rule out the possibility of a twin blow-through SU setup And just because we've never seen it, doesn't mean it can't or even hasn't been done, right? (also, just because it's on the car and connected, doesn't mean it worked or ran-this car IS dead in a barn, after all!)
  14. Hey OTM,if you're out there, THAT'S the B-type airdam I was talking about on that other thread where we were talking about that...the zfiberglass one I think.
  15. Mus, why not stick a powerglide behind it and use it RWD for the Z, like those guys from Buscher Racing did for that Starion? Oh, I see Doc just mentioned something along those lines...somebody agreed with my idea, so that means: Validation! Anyway, what color are you going to paint it, doc? Flat black with snow camo?
  16. That Kawasaki green would look tough with some black or carbon fiber accents, but it's like wearing leather pants: if you don't have the right swagger, you end up feeling rediculous in public...
  17. Might have been a trick of the perspective, but it didn't look long enough to be a full quarter mile to me either...
  18. www.formula1street.com http://www.indystreetcar.com/
  19. Whoever did this one must have been more interested in making sure the glue "smelled right" than following the directions...280 bumper on a g-nose, blow off valve hanging out of the front, and tires too small for the rims? Make sure mine comes with a tube of THAT stuff!
  20. Bj, why don't you guys list what you've got pooled between you, and then if anybody has something you don't, they could maybe make arrangements to get it there?
  21. Anybody catch that WoW South Park a few weeks back? Stan to Stan's Dad: "Go away Rtrd!" Stan's dad to self: "I'm not a Rtrd...." Classic! Aux, if you haven't seen it, you might enjoy www.nuklearpower.com. this guy in Orlando does a webcomic using characters from the original Final Fantasy NES game called "8-bit theatre". Just go to the archive link on the left of the page and start at number one.
  22. Car looks pretty good! Just got to ditch those bumper mounts, and you're all set. Hey Brandon, if you want flat black that bad, it's only like $17 worth of rattle cans away...(and for like $10 more dollars you can have some sweet camo graphics like me and chewievette...)
  23. I would love to see a g-nose vs typical lower valance style airdam test! also the duck bill vs whale tail would be good to see. Video and some stills for posterity would be fantastic as well!
  24. If you see one of those in person, it doesn't look anything like a pathfinder. For one thing, it's a LOT smaller. Dodge had a car at the new car show here that looked like a smaller Renault Megane that was a targa top. Two seater as well. I'd post a pic, but my wife took my laptop with her to Seattle, and I don't have it anywhere else...
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